
Showing posts from April, 2009

Thursday Night

Boy, this work can be tiring. I put in 14 hrs due to covering for a manager yesterday. Honestly, I would gladly do that anytime rather than be stuck at home looking for a job. I can't see my mindset changing anytime soon, either. The unemployment situation doesn't get nearly the media attention it did a few months ago, but things are not much better now - where is the coverage of it? I was able to hire an unemployed acquantance at my company in a part time role. It felt good to be able to help someone - even if it wasn't a full time gig. If and when I have to hire more, I will look for others that have been downsized. When I was off, I was ready to load trucks, sweep floors, whatever. Just to be busy. And I was a VP prior to that, although that means nothing these days, with all the talent out there. I sure don't miss that, and I hope anyone reading this that is searching finds something soon. The relief, and just to feel tired from work once again, is so re

Monday already.

There was a good article in yesterday's Tribune about a job seeker facing the "overqualified" barrier. If I had a dime for every time that concern was expressed to me, I would have a lot of dimes. You feel like the deck is stacked against you because you have a good base of experience and work history. Each time that concern would be voiced, I would counter with the response they probably hear each time - that I am looking for an opportunity to use my skills for the benefit of a company, etc. I think no matter what you do or say, the HR/Recruiter is falling back on trite, unproven methods for these times. In the case of my new position, I am able to use some skills that they weren't necessarily seeking, but I have found useful in past jobs. so, both the organization and I got a good deal with my hiring. don't let the "overqualified" issue get you down. in these tough times, companies are getting hundreds of applicants for each posted position, and

Where did the week go?

Such a stark difference now that I am working. The weeks fly by and there is never enough time to get everything done. I suppose you become addicted to the feeling of too much to do and not enough time to do it, and when you are no longer overwhelmed, your body senses a lack of stimulus, and you look for things to get motivated to do. When you can't find any, your system rebels. That was my case, anyway. I had jury duty yesterday. When you take the train downtown, you see all these people rushing for the train, and when you get downtown, you see all these people scrambling to get where they are going. When I would go downtown for an interview, I would always feel like the loop had milliions of people with jobs - why couldn't they find a job for one more. I was called to a courtroom to sit for a jury. Of the first 12 people polled, 3 were unemployed. 3/12 is about 25% - higher than the stated Illinois rate, but still startling. and an accurate picture of the mess we are

Wednesday - finally stopped raining

The weather is finally looking more like spring. at long last When I first got laid off on Sept. 8, I had a load of energy and stained the deck, dug out the garden and planted a bunch of roots and bulbs, and did other odd jobs. I am looking forward to seeing if any of the things I planted will grow - they have been under water due to the heavy rains of late. At any rate, as Peter Sellers said in Being There "in the spring, there will be growth". He was talking in his role as a gardener, but everyone cited him as an economic genius. so, we have to keep the same thought - it's spring. companies will have to get started implementing their strategic plans which will call for talented professionals to help them launch those plans. the challenge is to find those organizations and demonstrate to them how bringing you on board will help them to do that. Easier said than done, I know, but critical nonetheless. Be ready with a ppt presentation you can tailor to the specific

Monday Night

Still playing basketball on Monday night. When I was idle, that was a time I could get away from the oppressive feeling of joblessness. In general, doing something physically active was always a release from that frustration. Now it is a diversion from the weekly routine. At my age, I really can't play anymore, so it is more a matter of half-running for 2 hours. But, the older I get, the better I used to be (that's a common delusional mindset of us 50 year old former athletes). Anyway, to those who follow this and are searching, the difference in your mood from not working to working is amazing. I know I am still in the honeymoon period with the new job, but it has been so long since I have felt free of the tension of the search. Of wanting to impress every possible networking connection I came across. I wish you the same success and the same feeling of a burden being lifted. You deserve it. Everyone does. It is a shame that there are so many good people in this situation now.

Saturday - time to do the things I didn't do yet

It's nice to get up early on an off day since you know it is an off day. As I have written many times before, when every day is an off day, an off day has no significance. I suppose it's like working in a pizza place - no matter how much you like pizza, you would not be able to eat it after being around it all the time. Same thing with being off - I have no desire to have a non-weekend day off. Since I just had almost 6 months worth, I don't need to see the endless loop of SportsCenter on ESPN all day, or switch to CNBC to watch the market tank yet another day. I think I was off for about 2 months when I realized I needed to keep away from the tv and find something productive to do. That was when I started forcing myself to leave the house and do non-search activities. I was talking to a neighbor that got let go right after I did in September. He has passed through the same stages that we all do, and is resigned to finding something when he finds something. Afte

Friday - the weather is finally improving. But my mood is not.

I saw the stat that said Illinois unimployment is now 9.1%. Almost 1 in 10 people are out of work. The highest unemployment rate in 23 years. We're at the point now where that is the 3rd or 4th story on the news. And how does the government respond? By bailing out the financial institutions that caused the meltdown, providing them with money to award obscenly high bonuses to their staff, and doing nothing to halt the foreclosures of the homes of those who didn't get a bailout or $750k bonus. It just seems like this approach is a little to top down to be effective. The same week I got laid off in September, I got a bill from the IRS for $1400 from an 401k I had to cash in to pay my bills. I had cashed it in 2 years earlier. Also that same week, I got my property tax bill. Of course, I paid each, as I am not a presidential cabinet nominee, and cannot just ignore my tax obligations, as apparently they are allowed to do. My point is that the country was built on the backs

The World Through a Different Set of Glasses

I have now been at this job for 5 weeks. I ran into 3 neighbors who asked if I was now working because 1. They have seen me with work clothes on 2. They see me come home for lunch and 3. My car is not in the driveway all day. I had previously written about knowing the schedules of my neighbors because I sit on the computer by a window all day. I guess I am not the only one who does that "Gladys Kravitz" routine (for those old enough to remember the tv show Bewitched). We humans are nothing if not observant. When I was off, I still had the alarm go off early each morning with the happy talk station and pop hits. I notice now when I am in the car and those songs come on, I immediately switch the station because I have attached a negative connotation to those songs. During those dark days, waking up and getting out of bed was another day of bracing for frustration. Of wondering what I was going to do for the next 10 hours. It wasn't until I was off for 4 months that

Tuesday. Will Spring ever Spring?

Still way too cold and rainy. We are overdue for some nice weather. I was talking to a colleague that got let go a few weeks before I did, and is still on the search. He has been networking with high-level execs, and just can't land. Knowing some very high quality people that can't find appropriate gigs is so telling - at this point there are nowhere near enough good jobs for those that are qualified to do them. In my own case, I took a step back (from VP to Senior Manager) but I must admit, it is refreshing. I now manage 12 people instead of over 100. I am being looked to as an implementer of structure and process. so, the role is a good one for me at this point in my career. Future prosperity will provide opportunities to get back on the treadmill, so I will make the best of this opportunity while I have it. My point here is be open to anything. It is so much healthier to be busy, to be mentally engaged, to feel you have purpose. So, if you should find an opportunity that is

Monday already

It doesn't take long when back to work to realize that weekends fly by. Never enough time to get done those things you didn't have time to do during the week. A far cry from my downtime when there was never a dish in the sink, a towel to be washed, a room to be cleaned. Even when you aren't working (or maybe moreso) Mondays were no fun. I always felt like I should be shuffling off to a job, not looking for things to clean up, or planning a trip to Wal Mart. Another thing I realized is that the old insecurities creep back in; with all the negative messages you get in the media, you always have the thought in the back of your mind that one day you could get the tap on your shoulder and be cut again. I guess that is a deep seeded fear that someone who has been laid off will never get rid of. And as baseless as it is, I can never completely shake it. I know the downsized folks would tell me to get over it - that they long for a job, any job. But when you land, you will

Saturday - a day to catch up

A long week....I was subbing for the manager of the production dept, and closed up each night. going from being idle to a 60 hour week is an abrupt change. The longer I am in the job, the mission becomes clearer. Lots to do. But, as I have written many times, good to have something to do. So, I am running around today doing the things I did not have time for this week - including watching Lost and Survivor on the dvr very early this morning. I still read the business and finance news to see what direction we are headed. The joblessness stats aren't getting as much ink as they were a few weeks back. But, I still have friends unemployed, so it is a long way from a recovering economy. At work the other day, I heard that someone there was leaving for a job elsewhere. It has been awhile since I heard of someone leaving a job for a new job. Most have been leaving a job for no job. so, I am up and about again for the next round of errands. good luck to all.

A cold Tuesday - no sign of spring

Still chilly out there. Hopefully it will warm up and we will see golf weather before too long. Job is going well. Putting in a lot of hours because the manager of the unit is on vacation, and it is a good opportunity to learn the details of the business. The memory of doing nothing is still fresh enough that a 12 hour day ain't so bad. There is a part time position open, and I spoke with my neighbor about it. Seeing the ray of hope in his eyes is both good and bad; on one hand, I know how getting even a part time job would be a good thing. The bad, of course, is that he doesn't get the gig. I got another letter from Unemployment that my previous employer is contesting my claim. I had suspended my claim while I had a contract project, and reinstated it when the project ended. Since I am working, I am not particularly bothered, although I will fight their protest. at any rate, I hope to not have to rely on unemployment for a long, long time. or never..... so, the news


It has been a long time since I felt the TGIF feeling. Knowing that hard work results in a 2 day respite. I did something the other day I hadn't done in a long time - I filled my car up with gas. During my unemployment, I would put 5 bucks in every few days. Grocery shopping was similar - I never bought more than a day or 2 of food at a time. Since I do the shopping, I used to ensure the cabinets were full, and we could withstand a month of confinement if we needed to. Over the 6 months I was idle, we gradually used all those reserves up. So when I shop now, I but a little extra and am back in the stocking mode. ....I am sure you are doing your own conservation measures. In my case, it was gas and groceries, and of course, doing without. Week 3 of the new job. Things falling into place. nice to have a place..... have a good weekend. maybe spring will arrive one of these weeks.