Where did the week go?

Such a stark difference now that I am working. The weeks fly by and there is never enough time to get everything done. I suppose you become addicted to the feeling of too much to do and not enough time to do it, and when you are no longer overwhelmed, your body senses a lack of stimulus, and you look for things to get motivated to do. When you can't find any, your system rebels. That was my case, anyway.
I had jury duty yesterday. When you take the train downtown, you see all these people rushing for the train, and when you get downtown, you see all these people scrambling to get where they are going. When I would go downtown for an interview, I would always feel like the loop had milliions of people with jobs - why couldn't they find a job for one more.
I was called to a courtroom to sit for a jury. Of the first 12 people polled, 3 were unemployed. 3/12 is about 25% - higher than the stated Illinois rate, but still startling. and an accurate picture of the mess we are in.

have a good weekend, all. if follow this blog, I would be interested in any comments you have.


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