A cold Tuesday - no sign of spring

Still chilly out there. Hopefully it will warm up and we will see golf weather before too long.
Job is going well. Putting in a lot of hours because the manager of the unit is on vacation, and it is a good opportunity to learn the details of the business. The memory of doing nothing is still fresh enough that a 12 hour day ain't so bad. There is a part time position open, and I spoke with my neighbor about it. Seeing the ray of hope in his eyes is both good and bad; on one hand, I know how getting even a part time job would be a good thing. The bad, of course, is that he doesn't get the gig.

I got another letter from Unemployment that my previous employer is contesting my claim. I had suspended my claim while I had a contract project, and reinstated it when the project ended. Since I am working, I am not particularly bothered, although I will fight their protest. at any rate, I hope to not have to rely on unemployment for a long, long time. or never.....

so, the news seems to have an element of hope. there seems to be some thawing in the market, but the specter of the real estate bubble bursting will weigh on things for awhile. I spoke to a former colleague in Wisconsin, and he landed after 3 months off. so, there are some things out there.


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