Monday Night

Still playing basketball on Monday night. When I was idle, that was a time I could get away from the oppressive feeling of joblessness. In general, doing something physically active was always a release from that frustration. Now it is a diversion from the weekly routine. At my age, I really can't play anymore, so it is more a matter of half-running for 2 hours. But, the older I get, the better I used to be (that's a common delusional mindset of us 50 year old former athletes).

Anyway, to those who follow this and are searching, the difference in your mood from not working to working is amazing. I know I am still in the honeymoon period with the new job, but it has been so long since I have felt free of the tension of the search. Of wanting to impress every possible networking connection I came across. I wish you the same success and the same feeling of a burden being lifted. You deserve it. Everyone does. It is a shame that there are so many good people in this situation now.

so, Happy Monday. how was your day?


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