Saturday - time to do the things I didn't do yet

It's nice to get up early on an off day since you know it is an off day. As I have written many times before, when every day is an off day, an off day has no significance. I suppose it's like working in a pizza place - no matter how much you like pizza, you would not be able to eat it after being around it all the time. Same thing with being off - I have no desire to have a non-weekend day off. Since I just had almost 6 months worth, I don't need to see the endless loop of SportsCenter on ESPN all day, or switch to CNBC to watch the market tank yet another day. I think I was off for about 2 months when I realized I needed to keep away from the tv and find something productive to do. That was when I started forcing myself to leave the house and do non-search activities.
I was talking to a neighbor that got let go right after I did in September. He has passed through the same stages that we all do, and is resigned to finding something when he finds something. After 6 months, the energy and spark just isn't there anymore. So, that's the challenge - to rekindle it. To know that in this market, you will hear 100 no's before you hear a yes. But you have to seek out those no's and get them off the table. The yes will follow. I kept all my automated email responses to job submissions in a folder. I have over 2000 thanks-but-keep-your-search-going emails. Actually, they still trickle in. It got to the point where I filed them without reading them. But all it takes is one..........Keep at it and you will get that one........

have a good Saturday. I am off to do those things I didn't do yet.


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