The World Through a Different Set of Glasses

I have now been at this job for 5 weeks. I ran into 3 neighbors who asked if I was now working because 1. They have seen me with work clothes on 2. They see me come home for lunch and 3. My car is not in the driveway all day. I had previously written about knowing the schedules of my neighbors because I sit on the computer by a window all day. I guess I am not the only one who does that "Gladys Kravitz" routine (for those old enough to remember the tv show Bewitched). We humans are nothing if not observant.

When I was off, I still had the alarm go off early each morning with the happy talk station and pop hits. I notice now when I am in the car and those songs come on, I immediately switch the station because I have attached a negative connotation to those songs. During those dark days, waking up and getting out of bed was another day of bracing for frustration. Of wondering what I was going to do for the next 10 hours. It wasn't until I was off for 4 months that I finally got my mind around the situation and tried to enjoy the day for what it was - a blessing. But I still hate those songs.........

I have gotten some notes from readers that appreciate the blog because their situation and mindset is so similar to mine. I really appreciate those notes, and it is truly frightening there are so many folks in the same boat. You could never begin to explain it to someone who has not been through it, but we know.....

Looks like spring is trying to make an appearance.


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