Wednesday - finally stopped raining

The weather is finally looking more like spring. at long last

When I first got laid off on Sept. 8, I had a load of energy and stained the deck, dug out the garden and planted a bunch of roots and bulbs, and did other odd jobs. I am looking forward to seeing if any of the things I planted will grow - they have been under water due to the heavy rains of late.
At any rate, as Peter Sellers said in Being There "in the spring, there will be growth". He was talking in his role as a gardener, but everyone cited him as an economic genius. so, we have to keep the same thought - it's spring. companies will have to get started implementing their strategic plans which will call for talented professionals to help them launch those plans. the challenge is to find those organizations and demonstrate to them how bringing you on board will help them to do that. Easier said than done, I know, but critical nonetheless. Be ready with a ppt presentation you can tailor to the specific environment. Look for parallels between your experience base and what the organization is trying to achieve. If the objective is growth, have you worked in a rapidly expanding environment? If cost reduction, how have you achieved savings in past roles. If quality, how have you improved quality, reduced defects or cycle time in the past. Look for opportunities in the interview to tell your tale. And prepare in advance how you will work that into your response.

I was thinking back to the late fall and winter the other day - as I was driving home in the daylight at 7 pm. The winter is such a miserable time to be off. The short days and early onset of night makes for such an oppressive feel. It is dark far more than it is daylight. That was how my mood was. and I hope to never be in that boat again.

Another lingering conditioned response I have is when I see the execs meeting or closed door meetings in progress, I automatically think there is something up. something that will affect me. is it my role??? of course, none of this has any basis in fact, but I suspect you will know what I mean when you land and see normal business interactions. But, having been part of so many meetings like those in the past, I am always walking on eggshells. I wonder if and when I will ever feel secure in a job again.

so, enjoy the nicer weather. and best of luck.


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