Monday already

It doesn't take long when back to work to realize that weekends fly by. Never enough time to get done those things you didn't have time to do during the week. A far cry from my downtime when there was never a dish in the sink, a towel to be washed, a room to be cleaned. Even when you aren't working (or maybe moreso) Mondays were no fun. I always felt like I should be shuffling off to a job, not looking for things to clean up, or planning a trip to Wal Mart.

Another thing I realized is that the old insecurities creep back in; with all the negative messages you get in the media, you always have the thought in the back of your mind that one day you could get the tap on your shoulder and be cut again. I guess that is a deep seeded fear that someone who has been laid off will never get rid of. And as baseless as it is, I can never completely shake it. I know the downsized folks would tell me to get over it - that they long for a job, any job. But when you land, you will see what I mean.

So, happy Monday. have a good week, and good luck - things will change.


  1. Hi Dave,

    It's very interesting to read what you're going through as you transition back into the "Land of the Employed."

    Have you thought about retitling your blog to "The Until Recently Unemployed Middle Age Guy"!

    Seriously, keep writing... you're helping those of us out here still looking to keep the faith.

    Take care,
    Jim Warda


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