Thursday Night

Boy, this work can be tiring. I put in 14 hrs due to covering for a manager yesterday. Honestly, I would gladly do that anytime rather than be stuck at home looking for a job. I can't see my mindset changing anytime soon, either. The unemployment situation doesn't get nearly the media attention it did a few months ago, but things are not much better now - where is the coverage of it? I was able to hire an unemployed acquantance at my company in a part time role. It felt good to be able to help someone - even if it wasn't a full time gig. If and when I have to hire more, I will look for others that have been downsized. When I was off, I was ready to load trucks, sweep floors, whatever. Just to be busy. And I was a VP prior to that, although that means nothing these days, with all the talent out there. I sure don't miss that, and I hope anyone reading this that is searching finds something soon. The relief, and just to feel tired from work once again, is so refreshing.

and now, to lay around until Lost comes on.....

have a good evening.


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