Monday already.

There was a good article in yesterday's Tribune about a job seeker facing the "overqualified" barrier. If I had a dime for every time that concern was expressed to me, I would have a lot of dimes. You feel like the deck is stacked against you because you have a good base of experience and work history. Each time that concern would be voiced, I would counter with the response they probably hear each time - that I am looking for an opportunity to use my skills for the benefit of a company, etc. I think no matter what you do or say, the HR/Recruiter is falling back on trite, unproven methods for these times.

In the case of my new position, I am able to use some skills that they weren't necessarily seeking, but I have found useful in past jobs. so, both the organization and I got a good deal with my hiring.

don't let the "overqualified" issue get you down. in these tough times, companies are getting hundreds of applicants for each posted position, and need a prepared reason to not hire you. Keep chipping away, and you will find an organization that recognizes your talent and value and will hire you to help them achieve success in this tough time.


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