
Showing posts from May, 2013

Wednesday, May 29

up early.  checked the garden already - for what, I don't know, but I usually take a look each morning to see what has changed since the last time I looked at it.  but not much has changed. as I am sitting here watching the news, there is a story about an uproar that JC Penny is selling a tea kettle that some think resembles Hitler.  so, you delicate snowflakes - DON'T BUY ONE.  PC run amok.  a few games of hearts on the computer, then I guess I will head off to work.  and remember - the measure of a nation is how fat its parasites are.  and the US, God love us, has the fattest, laziest parasites in the world. great going US.  Keep it up - lots more parasites to be fattened up.

Tuesday, May 28

back to work today. every weekend should be a 3 day weekend. you used to read about how in europe they work less hours, and have more vacation days, etc. We in America, the saps that we are, said "give us the OT.. we will work like fools. we all need multiple flat screen TVs, xbox games, and we need to work to support a lot of parsites". the rest of the world said "great - can your military also protect the world, and keep the flow of oil moving? no sense in the rest of the countries of the world to pay to do that, if the American saps (the 50% actually working and paying taxes) are going to". and America said yes - we have nothing better to do with our money than to keep our parasites well fed, and we really want the rest of the world to take 3 or 4 times the number of days off Americans get. so, our president does not know the name of the town in OK wiped out by the tornado. time

Monday, May 27

last day off of a 3 day weekend.  nice to be off an extra day.  to all who served - thank you.  I imagine those heroes who served and sacrificed cringe, or roll over in their graves to see what their sacrifice has provided.  the right for an influx of parasites.  the criminal mistreatment of veterans.  the fact that illegals and inmates in guantanimo get better and more timely health care than those who sacrificed limbs. my hat is off to those who served.  It is appreciated by real Amercans, and taken for granted by the parasites and shitbags.  gray and cold today.  seems like more often than not, the weather is bad for this national holiday.  well, it will be a national holiday until the muslims or some other group determine that it is offensive.  then it will be renamed to somthing like "all culture day".  of course, the last few presidents have been draft dodgers, or foreigners, so they have no idea what service to ones country is all about.  obama neglected to salute t

Thursday, May 23

a return to fall weather.  gray, chilly.  spring will get here one of these days, and maybe stay for more than one day.  the noise about the IRS scandal is dying down.  the govt office in charge of intimidating and shaking us down for money gets a pass to keep doing what it does.  it takes a lot of tax dollars to support the immense number of parasites we have, and we need a govt office to ass rape us.  great idea to keep bringing muslims in the country like in europe.  we bring them here, give them money and then they kill us.  makes perfect sense. one swirl closer to the bottom we go.

Tuesday, May 21

ok - back to my normal self.  unhappy, hateful.  in a suck job.  my department is cool though.  it is the rest of the phonies here that make me sick. anyway - I have seen the enemy.  the enemy is us. and this is what obama was elected to do?  bleed us dry so the parasites can fatten up on our efforts?  what a shithole this county is becoming.  one more swirl and we should be at the bottom of the toilet. i have never been less proud of my country that I am today,  and I am not alone.

Monday, May 20 - evening

in the scheme of things, the things we complain about are just chicken shit. our job sucks, our back hurts, our golf game sucks, we are fat,  blah, blah, blah.  then you see the footage from a disaster like the tornado in OK....24 little kids killed at a school.  it is embarrassing to complain about our trivial annoyances when something like that happens.  how many people were affected to a life changing degree?  too many.  all we can do is (really) donate to the Red Cross.  our prayers probably make us feel better, but they need money more, I suppose.  I guess I should probably go and give blood too.  I can only imagine how terrible it must be there, and we all hope none of us have to go through that.  Tomorrow, I will still have my petty things to crow about.  but tomorrow, I will shut the eff up.  because most of the problems any of us will have are chicken shit.  and no one really cares about my problems, anyway. keeps it in perspective, doesn't it?

Monday, May 20

welcome back to the work week.  and what a nice day, indeed.  very nice early summer weather, but supposed to rain.  good for all the plants that everyone put in over the weekend. depending on what web sites you read, the mounting list of scandals involving obama is either really, really bad....or no big deal.  the IRS abuse is inexcusable.....we, as Americans are conditioned to take the IRS word as gospel and pay up.  Look at how many celebs have gone to jail over the last few years over unpaid taxes.  and to have them harass conservative groups....we have become nazi germany.  but, it is nice outside.... the Hawks game is on tonight.  so all is well with the world.  

Saturday, May 18

What a beautiful day.  contrary to the weather forecast earlier in the week, no rain today.  we are golfing at 6:01 next week. I love this time of year.  we will get a tee time before 6 am sometime in june....then we lose time...each week...we tee off later.....but, that is for later.  happy hour is about to start.  oh wait...I already had 2 beers, so I guess happy hour did, in fact, start.  call me the grumpy old man, but i ditched work yesterday.    and, our messiah is having some issues.  but he knew of none of these things, so we should not expect him to have a grasp on the leadership of the country.  he, after all, is an affirmative action president, so our expectations of him need to be very low.  very, very low.   oh the irs will audit me.  fuck them

Thursday, May 16

beautiful day today.  not enough days like this in a year. I see the Office series finale is on tonight.  Kind of like if someone told you a restaurant that you used to go to all the time was closing.  and you realize you hadn't been there in years.  a once very popular show now going off the air.  besides family guy, I really don't go out of my way to watch too many shows.  and survivor.  and the ultimate fighter.  and a bunch of shows on Discovery.  a job....good to have a job.  a job keeps you from sitting home writing a blog about not having a job.  but a job is just a job.  the company I work for makes noise about winning the best place to work award.  but it is just a place to work.  not sure who is fooled into thinking the company actually gives a crap about them.  my department is the lowest paid in the company.  i make significantly less than the other people at my level.  they schedule the Xmas party while my guys have to work.  they let every dept but my guys go

Wednesday, May 15

midpoint of the week and of the month.  time keeps moving on.  I saw this story about the increased oil production by the US: and yet gas prices keep rising.  40 cents in the last few weeks.  now, if the story had been about falling inventories or reserves, the price of a gallon of gas would have gone up a buck by now.  where does it end?  of course, we in the Chicago area  have to use seasonally formulated gas.  that costs more, of course.  what an effing joke.  2 weeks before memorial day - it will hit 5 bucks a gallon by then.  just think how bad if would be if not for the increased oil production. and it will be interesting to see if the media shows any interest whatsoever in the failures of their messiah.  I will have to watch letterman tonight to see what decade old clip the lecherous creep will show of George Bush tripping over a curb.  gotta protect the community organizer, after all.  Nixon

Tuesday, May 14

It's actually Monday as I start writing this, but it won't be award winning until I publish tomorrow...anyway, I saw this link on drudge and thought it was new, but it is not. anyway, it is an old story = that obama's MO is to unseal records.  but his records are sealed.  ironic, no?  how does this happen? the furor continues over the bengazi hearings, and now the story about the IRS targeting enemies of obama.  how does this happen? we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Monday, May 13

I hope the frost this morning didn't wipe out my garden.  wouldn't be the first time I planted too early had saw everything killed by the frost.  supposed to be 87 tomorrow.  go figure. my son's xbox crapped out last week, so I bought him a new one.  the first one had several breakdowns - the red ring of death - each costing 100 bucks to have microsoft fix it.  so, we spend 300 bucks on the new one.  then we need a cable to transfer data from the old unit to the new one - 20 bucks.  then we need an hdmi cord for the tv.  20 bucks.  now we need some cord for the headphones.  probably 20 bucks.  what a racket.  no wonder micorsoft owns the world. off work today.  what to do?  probably survey my crop damage and buy more stuff to plant.  happens every year...

Thursday, May 9

supposed to rain today.  one nice day in a row is a bit too much to ask, I guess. but, soon the hot weather will be here.  I love hot weather.  so...our hero (and he really is a hero) Charles Ramsey, the man that saved the 3 kidnapped women from their 10 year nightmare, has some issues in his past: why the media thinks they need to dig into a hero's past to uncover some unsavory details is beyond me.  why, we have a president who was a pot smoker and cocaine user.  but what of his background?  his records are sealed.  he and his wife "voluntarily surrendered" their law licenses to practice law.  why?    their records are sealed.  the reason that Jack Ryan dropped out of the senate race, paving the way for obama to win the senate race?  Ryan's divorce records were unsealed. Charles Ramsey - you should have sealed your records.  you might have been

Wednesday, May 8

Once again, struck by a stretch of laziness so I haven't posted.  the weather is beautiful, i have been working outside, so there are better things to do than sit in front of a computer screen on my time off.  I do enough of that at work all day.  terrible story about the 3 women that were held hostage for 10 years.  How many tickets for rolling stop signs or going 5 mph over the limit were given in the years these women were going through this horror?  what a crock.  I saw an article in the trib today that said it will be difficult for chicago to switch red light camera vendors..then why do you need one?  oh that is right - to ass rape the casual citizen rolling through a red light while thousands are shot each year in that shithole. makes perfect sense.

Sunday, May 5

Cinco de Mayo...time for the millions of illegals to demand to be legalized.  not that they need to be legal to feed at the public trough.  by now, you have all seen the Reese Witherspoon arrest video.  what's this??  America's sweetheart and favorite mom acting like a drunken C word?   we sneer at Lindsay Lohan (rightfully so) but something tells me this is not the first time the lovely reese used her standing to get out of her drunken escapades.  but she has escaped our ridicule to date.  and will go on letterman saying she had a strong margarita and was out of sorts...sure.  you are no different from the rest of the Hollywood scum. CPs comin your way, honey.

Saturday, May 4

I missed a few days...again.  I must have been busy being busy.  No golf this weekend, and I planned to work outside, but looks like rain on the way.  maybe I will read the book I have checked out from the library 4 times but have not finished.  or not. I see Obama is in mexico blaming the violence in mexico on American guns.  maybe it is the guns from his fast and furious program.  who would have thought that an elected American president would travel the world, bowing to leaders of arab countries and apologizing for America.  what a pantload.  he was elected on a platform of transformation.  honestly - is this what the dolts who voted for him had in mind?   but at this point, the country is so far gone, I suppose it really doesn't matter....go on - legalize the millions of illegals.  plenty of room at the public trough. the 40% of us still paying taxes haven't been ass raped enough.  or is it just me?

Wednesday, May 1

how is the second third of your 2013 going?  do you still have high hopes and dreams?  have you achieved all your second-third goals?  eff you all.  just kidding.  that book I took out of the library a week ago???  not yet opened.  nba playoffs, now nhl much competition for my laying around time.  I had a bunch of ideas to write about today - the normal ass-rapery that we all face...that gas has gone up 40 cents in 3 weeks, the bombers who acted alone, yet 3 accomplices were arrested today. all those things....but survivor is on in 4 minutes, so I have to go lay on the couch and watch it.  sorry I have not been able to enlighten you, or give you a reason to make that next strong drink to hope for a great second third of 2013, but my couch beckons. CPs all around.  enjoy.