Monday, May 20 - evening

in the scheme of things, the things we complain about are just chicken shit. our job sucks, our back hurts, our golf game sucks, we are fat,  blah, blah, blah.  then you see the footage from a disaster like the tornado in OK....24 little kids killed at a school.  it is embarrassing to complain about our trivial annoyances when something like that happens.  how many people were affected to a life changing degree?  too many.  all we can do is (really) donate to the Red Cross.  our prayers probably make us feel better, but they need money more, I suppose.  I guess I should probably go and give blood too. 

I can only imagine how terrible it must be there, and we all hope none of us have to go through that.  Tomorrow, I will still have my petty things to crow about.  but tomorrow, I will shut the eff up.  because most of the problems any of us will have are chicken shit.  and no one really cares about my problems, anyway.

keeps it in perspective, doesn't it?


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