Saturday, May 18

What a beautiful day.  contrary to the weather forecast earlier in the week, no rain today.  we are golfing at 6:01 next week. I love this time of year.  we will get a tee time before 6 am sometime in june....then we lose time...each week...we tee off later.....but, that is for later.  happy hour is about to start.  oh wait...I already had 2 beers, so I guess happy hour did, in fact, start. 

call me the grumpy old man, but i ditched work yesterday.   
and, our messiah is having some issues.  but he knew of none of these things, so we should not expect him to have a grasp on the leadership of the country.  he, after all, is an affirmative action president, so our expectations of him need to be very low.  very, very low.   oh the irs will audit me.  fuck them


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