Monday, May 13

I hope the frost this morning didn't wipe out my garden.  wouldn't be the first time I planted too early had saw everything killed by the frost.  supposed to be 87 tomorrow.  go figure.

my son's xbox crapped out last week, so I bought him a new one.  the first one had several breakdowns - the red ring of death - each costing 100 bucks to have microsoft fix it.  so, we spend 300 bucks on the new one.  then we need a cable to transfer data from the old unit to the new one - 20 bucks.  then we need an hdmi cord for the tv.  20 bucks.  now we need some cord for the headphones.  probably 20 bucks.  what a racket.  no wonder micorsoft owns the world.

off work today.  what to do?  probably survey my crop damage and buy more stuff to plant.  happens every year...


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