Saturday, May 4

I missed a few days...again.  I must have been busy being busy.  No golf this weekend, and I planned to work outside, but looks like rain on the way.  maybe I will read the book I have checked out from the library 4 times but have not finished.  or not.

I see Obama is in mexico blaming the violence in mexico on American guns.  maybe it is the guns from his fast and furious program.  who would have thought that an elected American president would travel the world, bowing to leaders of arab countries and apologizing for America.  what a pantload.  he was elected on a platform of transformation.  honestly - is this what the dolts who voted for him had in mind?   but at this point, the country is so far gone, I suppose it really doesn't matter....go on - legalize the millions of illegals.  plenty of room at the public trough. the 40% of us still paying taxes haven't been ass raped enough. 

or is it just me?


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