Wednesday, May 1

how is the second third of your 2013 going?  do you still have high hopes and dreams?  have you achieved all your second-third goals?  eff you all.  just kidding.  that book I took out of the library a week ago???  not yet opened.  nba playoffs, now nhl much competition for my laying around time. 

I had a bunch of ideas to write about today - the normal ass-rapery that we all face...that gas has gone up 40 cents in 3 weeks, the bombers who acted alone, yet 3 accomplices were arrested today.

all those things....but survivor is on in 4 minutes, so I have to go lay on the couch and watch it.  sorry I have not been able to enlighten you, or give you a reason to make that next strong drink to hope for a great second third of 2013, but my couch beckons.

CPs all around.  enjoy.


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