Tuesday, May 28

back to work today. every weekend should be a 3 day weekend. you used to read about how in europe they work less hours, and have more vacation days, etc. We in America, the saps that we are, said "give us the OT.. we will work like fools. we all need multiple flat screen TVs, xbox games, and we need to work to support a lot of parsites". the rest of the world said "great - can your military also protect the world, and keep the flow of oil moving? no sense in the rest of the countries of the world to pay to do that, if the American saps (the 50% actually working and paying taxes) are going to". and America said yes - we have nothing better to do with our money than to keep our parasites well fed, and we really want the rest of the world to take 3 or 4 times the number of days off Americans get.


so, our president does not know the name of the town in OK wiped out by the tornado. time for letterman to show a clip of Sara Palin saying she can see russia from her back yard.


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