Thursday, May 9

supposed to rain today.  one nice day in a row is a bit too much to ask, I guess. but, soon the hot weather will be here.  I love hot weather. 

so...our hero (and he really is a hero) Charles Ramsey, the man that saved the 3 kidnapped women from their 10 year nightmare, has some issues in his past:
why the media thinks they need to dig into a hero's past to uncover some unsavory details is beyond me. 

why, we have a president who was a pot smoker and cocaine user.  but what of his background?  his records are sealed.  he and his wife "voluntarily surrendered" their law licenses to practice law.  why?    their records are sealed.  the reason that Jack Ryan dropped out of the senate race, paving the way for obama to win the senate race?  Ryan's divorce records were unsealed.

Charles Ramsey - you should have sealed your records.  you might have been president one day had you done so.



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