
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sunday, Sept 30

Could this be the last day of September already? that month sure flew by.  october starts tomorrow.... one day last week, obama was on letterman for an ass kissing session.  despite not knowing what the deficit was (16 trillion), or more likely, not wanting to admit what it was, he comment was "it's not a problem in the short term".  did letterman follow up with a question like "how about in the long term?"....of course not.  this is like having a credit card balance of $100,000.  is it a problem in the short term?  not really...but in the long term, that 100 grand will end up costing over a million to pay back.  of course, obama seems to be incapable of thinking in such complex terms.  gotta give away a few million more phones.

Saturday, Sept 29

chilly day so far.  went out at 7 to Menards...really feels like fall.  October starts  Played golf yesterday afternoon - what better way to spend the afternoon.  the number of golf rounds left to play is single digits.  Not ready...not ready at all for the late fall and winter.  not much choice though. our president has inspired youths to organize and name themselves after their messiah: what a blight on our country he has become.  what a legacy.  what a disgrace. say what you will, but this has been the most polarizing president in history.  every time you read a story like this one, read the comments after the story if there was any doubt.  of course, looking at what a shithole the city of chicago has become is all the proof you should need regarding the sorry state of this once great country.  we be screwe

Thursday, Sept 27

Fall marches on.  nice day...leaves starting to change.  it won't be long until all the leaves from all the trees will be on the ground...making it a real pain to find the golf ball.  then a few rounds with no leaves on the trees.  then a round or 2 with a frost delay.  then no golf left.  not to look forward morbidly or anything....I used to have more activities to keep, not so much.  lack of motivation.  plus, I have earned the priveledge of being a fat slob.  hey...obama misspoke: letterman will be all over this one...oh wait - this is a screwup from the messiah - forget it.  nothing to see here.  GNP down, orders for durable goods down, unemployment up, gas prices at an all time high.....Bush really messed up, didn't he? as I have written before, this is the grade school kid with cerebral palsy competing in the race.  we admire his willingness to participate,

Wednesday, Sept 26

once again, the morning got away from me.  I'll have to get back in the habit of posting early before I go to work...and the day goes to shit.  nice day today, though.  fall is such a pleasant season.  followed by 3 months of suckage.  so, household incomes are down under obama but, the number of those on the government dole are up.  progress...real progress.  romney paid a higher tax rate than 97% of Americans. that is not fair - how can letterman joke about that?  maybe he can joke about Romney eating dogs...or wait - that was his messiah.  the one that halle berry and oprah winfrey breathlessly told us was going to be a great president. they was wrong.

Tuesday, Sept 25

Monday came and went with no post...I usually have something to write about on Mondays, but am kind of in a rut, idea-wise.  From Yahoo, an article about Romney's latest gaffe: but wait...when will yahoo, or any mainstream media outlet, cover any of obama's many gaffes? 57 states, getting the year wrong in the Queen's date book, intercontental railroad, his muslim faith.... can't cover any of them....the peasants may  figure out they are being ruled by a puppet.... anyway, the election season drones on.  there is no one that can fix this mess, so might as well find some humor in it.  and peas...we need to find some peas so eacho peez.

Sunday, Sept 23

beautiful day outside.  it will be a tossup to see whether to watch football or stay outside.  I will go where the beer is....inside.  So, Romney releases some tax returns and obama wonders what else he is hiding.  but not a peep from our messiah about his sealed records.  I wonder what he is hiding.  what a colossal failure.  not sure of what the deficit is not a problem in the short run, he tells letterman, as lettermans lips are planted on his half black ass.  we are fucked, folks.  Imagine you take a chinese dude into your house because the chinese dude told you he would keep the house clean, cook, reduce your gas and electricity costs, make you friends with your neighbors....all kinds of really good stuff.  so you let him live in the house.  day 1 - he takes a dump on your bed.  day 2 - his wife takes off with your car for an endless string of vacations.  day 3 - you ask him to leave since he is doing none of the things he said he would do because he did not have th

Saturday, Sept 22

6:11 am and still pitch dark.  I am still in a summer state of mind.  because I refuse to believe the next season (after the one that starts today) is winter...12 weeks of suckage.  oh well - probably have at least 6 rounds of golf, halloween, thanksgiving.  then a few months of looking forward to the start of NASCAR season.  what a shallow and miserable existance, huh? so, Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax return. ok - now when do the republicans clamor for obama to release any of his sealed, unreleased records?  to do so would be racist, as no one questions our messiah.  such a trainwreck.  an unqualified president who was nothing but a big talker accomplishes nothing and runs an attack campaign consistent with the polarizing, devisive effect he has had on the country for 4 years.  this will go down as a very damaging chapter in Amercan history. or a good one if you are a socialist.  but, it is the start of the weekend.  many things to do.  or, perhaps I will be like our preside

Wednesday, Sept 19

really chilly this morning.  and at 6 am, it is still dark.  fall officially starts on the 21st, I think. the furor continues about romney's taped comments about 47% will vote for obama no matter what.  did he lie?  no.  so why the uproar?  obama's campaign has nothing positive to focus on.  unless you are in the 47% that has reason to vote for obama again.  if you are a taxpayer, not so much.  but, as they say, never talk about politics or religion in a setting you don't want messed up.  I saw a story line on cnn that said on the kardashian show they showed the pregnant one pull the baby out of her baby factory.  so - here is a family that is famous only because one slutty sister was filmed putting somthing in her vagina, one has been filmed pulling something out of her vagina....hey - the big ugly one will probably have to be filmed shoving something up her butthole to keep pace, and keep the ratings up.  pardon my vulgarity - but you must admit, those fame whores

Tuesday, Sept 18

a chill in the air.  in July, we would have killed for a day like today.  it was 47 degrees on my drive to work.  of course, in Canada, we had 34 degree weather at the end of the week.  so different than that stifling heat.  but, I hate the winter, so I will never complain about it being too hot.  easier to golf, fish, bbq, drink beer outside when it is hot. so - the furor erupts that Romeny was captured on video saying 47% of the population depend on the govt.....he speaketh the truth.  we do know: - over 90% of African Americans will vote obama - the illegals that are depending on amnesty will vote obama - the free cell phone crowd will vote obama - unions who depend on govt work and pensions will vote obama it is up to the rest of us to pay taxes and keep the country moving.  just like the video of the handicapped kid trying to run in the school race....our leader is so incapable of competing.  but he can tell us to eat our peas. so, eacho peez...well, the 50% of us t

Monday, Sept. 17

that weekend sure flew by.  so much darker now in the morning - you need the headlights on to drive to work.  the chicago teachers strike is on for at least 2 more days.  what a crock.  and how will the raise affect the taxes we pay and the pension deficit.  but who cares???  teachers need to retire in their 50s at 80% pay.  and the administration needs those 6 figure pensions so they can collect when they move to another do-nothin job that collects a pension. oh, and gas went down 2 cents.  it is all the way down to the rock bottom price of $4.25/gallon. how did all this happen?  our messiah was supposed to fix everything.  after all, he got a nobel peace prize, so that was supposed to cure all our woes. but it didn't . ok - now to do some work.  I have been in a creative rut lately.  I'll have to read drudge to get some ideas.

Saturday, Sept 15

the last weekend of summer.  still dark outside at 6:15 am.  we tee off tomorrow at 6:41 and it will just be getting light.  the teachers will vote on the proposed contract tomorrow.  the union leader/hippo has been all over the news carping about all the wrongs bestowed on union teachers.  well, who will have to pay for the 16% raise over the next 4 years?  who will fund the untenable pension plan?  how many speeding/jaywalking/littering/pot smoking cameras will be mounted on each light pole so everyone will get 2 or 3 tickets in the mail each day.  and no progress on the Illinois pension hole. but, Ohare airport will soon have goats to eat the grass in un-mowable areas. we are effed, folks.  effed.  fucked. and we have not yet been told to stop eating our peas. so, eacho peez.

Friday, Sept 14

tgif - the end of another week.  and none too soon.  the sun is now coming up noticealby later.  we tee off at 6:41 sunday, and I believe that is now the first tee time. the bears game last night was beyond awful  that sucked.  all the enthusiasm for a good season down the crapper. kind of like the obama presidency - all this excitement in 2008.  finally someone that will improve things...then this disaster.  what a colossal mistake we made.  look at the campaign he is running....they focus on one stat..that is showing how bad things are...then say it would be much worse if not for obama.  the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.  we've been had. and eacho peez.

Wednesday, Sept 12

another beautiful early fall day.  a nice change after all the hot days this summer.  the chicago teachers strike is in day 3.  funny how the 16% raise over 4 years is now assumed, and the sticking points yet to be worked out.  but, who will pay this 16% increase?  will it come from the lottery?  or, will it be funded by a property tax increase.  while they are at it, increase their pensions, and lower the retirement age.  the hippo-like union leader will like that, and will probably celebrate by eating a head of lettuce.  (isn't that what they feed hippos at the zoo?) this blog has now had 20,000 some reads.  or that is what the stats say, anyway.  it has been 4 years since I was whacked from the job that led me to start writing this crap.  it has morphed some, but the original thought of the blog has not changed.  4 years.   just think - the loss of my shitty job is your gain.  and I was glad to make that sacrifice. so eacho peez. 

Tuesday, Sept. 11

actually writing this Monday night since I did not post this morning. anyway, here is some shocking information: the city that rips off its visiting travelers worst of all cities in the country is Chicago.  now, why anyone would willingly travel to that scuzzpit is beyond me, but if someone is dumb enough to travel to Chicago, then why not rip them off for all you can?  after all, the breathtaking sights of mobs of feral youth beating and robbing innocent citizens....the plethora of boarded up, burned out houses...the status as a sanctuary city, where parasites can come and safely consume resources they will never pay much to cherish.  and no reason to not expect to pay premium dollars for the pleasure. what an effing joke.  we should all be embarrassed.  or maybe we are used to it. and today is Sept. 11....eleven years ago today was the big disaster....I remember it we

Sunday, Sept 9

what a beautiful day, sunny.  too bad I will be wasting it inside on the couch, drinking beer, watching football.  some things just need to be done.  maybe when the bears game is over I will drink beer outside.  or maybe just fall asleep on the couch.  good to have options. hey - are you better off now than you were 4 years ago???  well bin laden is dead, and GM is alive.  look at the story below about how alive and vibrant GM is: 79% of GM’s sales last month was government purchasedJuly 12th, 2012Remember how Obama keeps telling us how he saved GM, and how our economy is getting better, it seems the car company he bought is being saved by Govt employees using our tax money to buy new cars. 79% of GM’s sales last month was government purchased.GM’s sales figures for last month were the best since 2008 , up 16% for the month of June. YIPPEE! Well, wait just a minute. It seems that those rosy sales figures are due primarily to a 79% increase in fleet sales to t

Saturday, Sept 8

5:48 am and still pitch dark outside.  In July, we teed off at 5:53 once.   those days are gone until next July. we play at 6:41 next sunday - that is the first tee time.  before the time change it will be 7:15 before the sun comes up...happens every year. so - fewer people were employed in August than in July...BUT THE UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURE WENT DOWN. 89 million workers have been classified as "out of the workforce" and therefore not counted as unemployed.  how creative.  When the bar has been set so low, we expect such failures to be reclassified as non-failures so we don't grasp the true degree of failure on the employment issue.  like I have said, obama is really good at talking about doing things....just terrible at actually doing things. like when he told us to eat our peas. so, eacho peez.   

Friday, Sept 7

Hard to believe that it was 4 weeks ago that my friends and I were on our way to I have written way too many times, time goes by too fast.  A month passed in a heartbeat...yesterday I was wondering when Labor day was must be soon, right?   oh wait - it was last does that happen? so - a really inspiring speach by the messiah...let's re-elect him based on that, and also that his wife has toned arms.... obama is like the person you work with that is really good about talking about getting things done.  not real good at actually doing those things, but no one better at talking about doing great, ambitious things.  an empty suit.  unless you are an illegal - then ok.  or if you are in the 50% of the population not paying taxes.   or in the 47 million getting govt assistance.  can you believe what has happened to the country?  how did we let this happen? oh, and btw - a judge ruled the other day that an inmate must have a state-paid for s

Thursday, Sept 6

what a beautiful day outside.  late summer is here...eek.  the leaves will be falling soon.  the fawning press is abuzz with the speach that Clinton gave at the Dem convention.  what a short memory the county has.  the guy basically served the latter part of his term in shame...or if not, then truly he is the definition of someone that has no shame.  anyway, clinton's theme was that obama was a president during tough times.  we all knew that.  we all went through tough times, and a lot of the country still is going through tough times.  the speach tonight will be met, no doubt, with fawning approval from the press.  oh well. now excuse me while I go back outside.  i should take up smoking so I can go out once an hour like the smokers.

Wednesday, Sept 5

mid week.  the NFL season opens tonight.  where did the summer go?  the first night of the democratic convention was predictably smarmy and covered with bias by the media.  message after message seemed to be "obama is not really as big of a disaster as you might think".  lie after lie being fed to a rabid audience.  I suppose this is how hitler communicated to the masses.  the masses love to be lied to.  the chicago teachers union is due to strike. what a catastrophe that will be....after all, the teachers consistently turn out such treasures of society.  let's pay them a lot more, and make sure their pensions are more generous.  illinois - we are fucked.

Tuesday, Sept 4

The day slipped by - very busy all day, and not really motivated to do the usual rant.  because that is all there is to do.  the democratic convention starts today.  I believe anyone reading this blog would surmise I am not a democrat.  but the divide between parties is beyond mendable.  such differing mindsets.  both right, neither right.  as I have written many, many, many times...there ain't no fixing what is wrong with the country.  it doesn't matter who we elect as president.  obama talked about fixing everything, and bringing the country together.   he fixed nothing, and is the most polarizing president we have ever had.  so, who can step in and clean up this mess?  who would want to?  or is the office just a 4 year free pass at the public trough, where the ins fatten up with many vacations and privledge?  it will be interesting to see the democratic convention, if only to underscore how bad this campaign is going to get, before romney wins in a landslide. 

Monday, Sept.3 - Labor Day

good to have a day off.  one more day to bbq and take it easy.  I suppose one of these days I should stop taking it easy and work out more.  one of these days..... the democratic convention starts this week.  time to blame bush for all of obama's failures, and listen to them tell us why he deserves 4 more years of epic fail. not for me, thank you.  but then again, can anyone right the ship?  we are so far under water we will never recover.  so, unless you are on entitlement your share of paying entitlements for those that are keeps growing.  you must eat more peas.  enough writing for one day.  time to go to the store, go the the health club, ride my bike, and do things I could not do if I was working. 

Saturday, Sept 1

I blinked and missed August.  where the hell did the month go?  labor day weekend.  days getting shorter already.  Clint Eastwood was pretty good at the convention.  funny how the media pretty much left that alone.  no attempt to discuss his questions to the empty chair.  what a colossal mistake we have made.   but I have said that before.  one man's opinion.  I just hope 60% of Americans agree with me.  but then again, 50% are sucking on the government teet, so obama has cultivated his voting base.  we are effed.  anyway, not much time to write today.  there are college football games to be watched.  and peas to be eaten. so, eacho peez.