Saturday, Sept 8

5:48 am and still pitch dark outside.  In July, we teed off at 5:53 once.   those days are gone until next July. we play at 6:41 next sunday - that is the first tee time.  before the time change it will be 7:15 before the sun comes up...happens every year.

so - fewer people were employed in August than in July...BUT THE UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURE WENT DOWN.
89 million workers have been classified as "out of the workforce" and therefore not counted as unemployed.  how creative.  When the bar has been set so low, we expect such failures to be reclassified as non-failures so we don't grasp the true degree of failure on the employment issue. 

like I have said, obama is really good at talking about doing things....just terrible at actually doing things.

like when he told us to eat our peas.

so, eacho peez. 


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