Thursday, Sept 27

Fall marches on.  nice day...leaves starting to change.  it won't be long until all the leaves from all the trees will be on the ground...making it a real pain to find the golf ball.  then a few rounds with no leaves on the trees.  then a round or 2 with a frost delay.  then no golf left.  not to look forward morbidly or anything....I used to have more activities to keep, not so much.  lack of motivation.  plus, I have earned the priveledge of being a fat slob. 

hey...obama misspoke:
letterman will be all over this one...oh wait - this is a screwup from the messiah - forget it.  nothing to see here. 

GNP down, orders for durable goods down, unemployment up, gas prices at an all time high.....Bush really messed up, didn't he?

as I have written before, this is the grade school kid with cerebral palsy competing in the race.  we admire his willingness to participate, but the rest of the kids finished 10 minutes before.  we all cheer at his drive, but the results are the results.

and the peas are the peas

so eacho peez.


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