Tuesday, Sept 4

The day slipped by - very busy all day, and not really motivated to do the usual rant.  because that is all there is to do.  the democratic convention starts today.  I believe anyone reading this blog would surmise I am not a democrat.  but the divide between parties is beyond mendable.  such differing mindsets.  both right, neither right.  as I have written many, many, many times...there ain't no fixing what is wrong with the country.  it doesn't matter who we elect as president.  obama talked about fixing everything, and bringing the country together.   he fixed nothing, and is the most polarizing president we have ever had. 

so, who can step in and clean up this mess?  who would want to?  or is the office just a 4 year free pass at the public trough, where the ins fatten up with many vacations and privledge? 

it will be interesting to see the democratic convention, if only to underscore how bad this campaign is going to get, before romney wins in a landslide. 


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