Monday, Sept. 17

that weekend sure flew by.  so much darker now in the morning - you need the headlights on to drive to work. 

the chicago teachers strike is on for at least 2 more days.  what a crock.  and how will the raise affect the taxes we pay and the pension deficit.  but who cares???  teachers need to retire in their 50s at 80% pay.  and the administration needs those 6 figure pensions so they can collect when they move to another do-nothin job that collects a pension.

oh, and gas went down 2 cents.  it is all the way down to the rock bottom price of $4.25/gallon.

how did all this happen?  our messiah was supposed to fix everything.  after all, he got a nobel peace prize, so that was supposed to cure all our woes.

but it didn't .

ok - now to do some work.  I have been in a creative rut lately.  I'll have to read drudge to get some ideas.


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