Tuesday, Sept 18

a chill in the air.  in July, we would have killed for a day like today.  it was 47 degrees on my drive to work.  of course, in Canada, we had 34 degree weather at the end of the week.  so different than that stifling heat.  but, I hate the winter, so I will never complain about it being too hot.  easier to golf, fish, bbq, drink beer outside when it is hot.

so - the furor erupts that Romeny was captured on video saying 47% of the population depend on the govt.....he speaketh the truth.  we do know:
- over 90% of African Americans will vote obama
- the illegals that are depending on amnesty will vote obama
- the free cell phone crowd will vote obama
- unions who depend on govt work and pensions will vote obama

it is up to the rest of us to pay taxes and keep the country moving. 

just like the video of the handicapped kid trying to run in the school race....our leader is so incapable of competing. 

but he can tell us to eat our peas.

so, eacho peez...well, the 50% of us that pay taxes, anyway. 


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