Tuesday, Sept. 11

actually writing this Monday night since I did not post this morning.

anyway, here is some shocking information:
the city that rips off its visiting travelers worst of all cities in the country is Chicago.  now, why anyone would willingly travel to that scuzzpit is beyond me, but if someone is dumb enough to travel to Chicago, then why not rip them off for all you can?  after all, the breathtaking sights of mobs of feral youth beating and robbing innocent citizens....the plethora of boarded up, burned out houses...the status as a sanctuary city, where parasites can come and safely consume resources they will never pay for.....so much to cherish.  and no reason to not expect to pay premium dollars for the pleasure.

what an effing joke.  we should all be embarrassed.  or maybe we are used to it.

and today is Sept. 11....eleven years ago today was the big disaster....I remember it well, as I am sure most people my age do.  and what has changed since then?  so many freedoms taken away..if you are an american...if you are not, you can claim profiling or discrimination for treatment that Amercans have to put up with.

teachers are still on strike...but, those Chicago students are so far ahead of the rest of the nation's students that a few months off won't hurt.  plus, those 12 year old kindergarteners can look out for themselves.


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