Sunday, Sept 23

beautiful day outside.  it will be a tossup to see whether to watch football or stay outside.  I will go where the beer is....inside. 

So, Romney releases some tax returns and obama wonders what else he is hiding.  but not a peep from our messiah about his sealed records.  I wonder what he is hiding.  what a colossal failure.  not sure of what the deficit is not a problem in the short run, he tells letterman, as lettermans lips are planted on his half black ass. 

we are fucked, folks. 

Imagine you take a chinese dude into your house because the chinese dude told you he would keep the house clean, cook, reduce your gas and electricity costs, make you friends with your neighbors....all kinds of really good stuff.  so you let him live in the house.  day 1 - he takes a dump on your bed.  day 2 - his wife takes off with your car for an endless string of vacations.  day 3 - you ask him to leave since he is doing none of the things he said he would do because he did not have the experience, nor the intention to do those things.  and he calls you a racist because you are so bold to insist he keep his word. and 47% of your neighbors accuse you of being racist and not giving him time to do those things.  and you know he'd completely destroy the house if given the opportunity.

remind you of anything?

but then again, watch romney get elected and noting changes.  because nothing will change. 

oh, and the pension mess continues to spiral out of control.

we are really fucked.


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