Saturday, Sept 15

the last weekend of summer.  still dark outside at 6:15 am.  we tee off tomorrow at 6:41 and it will just be getting light. 
the teachers will vote on the proposed contract tomorrow.  the union leader/hippo has been all over the news carping about all the wrongs bestowed on union teachers.  well, who will have to pay for the 16% raise over the next 4 years?  who will fund the untenable pension plan?  how many speeding/jaywalking/littering/pot smoking cameras will be mounted on each light pole so everyone will get 2 or 3 tickets in the mail each day. 

and no progress on the Illinois pension hole.

but, Ohare airport will soon have goats to eat the grass in un-mowable areas.

we are effed, folks.  effed.  fucked.

and we have not yet been told to stop eating our peas.

so, eacho peez.


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