Friday, Sept 7

Hard to believe that it was 4 weeks ago that my friends and I were on our way to I have written way too many times, time goes by too fast.  A month passed in a heartbeat...yesterday I was wondering when Labor day was must be soon, right?   oh wait - it was last does that happen?

so - a really inspiring speach by the messiah...let's re-elect him based on that, and also that his wife has toned arms....
obama is like the person you work with that is really good about talking about getting things done.  not real good at actually doing those things, but no one better at talking about doing great, ambitious things.  an empty suit.  unless you are an illegal - then ok.  or if you are in the 50% of the population not paying taxes.   or in the 47 million getting govt assistance. 

can you believe what has happened to the country?  how did we let this happen?

oh, and btw - a judge ruled the other day that an inmate must have a state-paid for sex change operation.

we are fucked, folks. 


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