
Showing posts from September, 2018

Saturday, Sept 29, 2018

I haven't posted in a week.  Normally I post about every 2-3 days.  The posts I put on Linkedin got quite a few reads.  One of them was almost 1500 reads this week.  As opposed to the 10 or so reads per blog post.  But I do like to write, so I will continue to do so.  how is this for a linkedin post: Challenge yourself to prepare Prepare yourself for challenges Kind of trite, but I will post it and see how many reads it gets.  very rah rah. I watched a lot of the senate hearings on Kavanaugh, and how they dissected his yearbook quotes and calendar.  I wonder if I am nominated for something if this blog will be scoured for dirt.  Of course, there is not much chance of being confirmed for anything.  so I think I am safe. btw - I won the long drive at a golf outing I played in on Monday.  although today is the best day of my life, winning long drive didn't suck.  That is the big dog contest. I have to post that clever saying above on Linkedin. 

Saturday, Sept 22, 2018

Fall is upon us.  From 90 degrees on Thursday to the 60 for a high today.  Feels very nice.  It will be 49 degrees when we tee off tomorrow which is fine by me since the last 3 rounds I could barely hold the clubs because my hands were so sweaty. A friend recommended I post more on Linkedin.  So in the last few days I have.  I try to be witty (as the 2 readers of this blog are well aware).  And lo and behold...I have gotten hundreds of views in the last 2 days. but fear not, faithful readers....I will not stop wasting everyone's time writing this garbage   writing this excellent blog.  Actually, writing every few days keeps me sane.  What keeps you sane?

Friday, Sept 21, 2018

I have posted a few times on Linkedin and not on this blog.  I saw a webinar that recommended being active and visible on Linkedin to get more views which hopefully translate to job search success.  I have had more profile views, so that part of the process has proven out.  So as to now rob the blog readers of my geniusness, here is the linkedin posting that normally would be on this blog: When I get a job, I will…..  We jobseekers all have that thought, don’t we?  When we land that job, we will go to our favorite restaurant, take a trip, etc.  In my case, I will adopt a dog from a shelter.  Like the job seeker, the shelter dogs and cats sit there waiting for the kindness of strangers to change their lives.  Like the job seeker, their new family may show up today, tomorrow or next week.   Until that happens, the pets and the job seekers sit and wait; the pets sit in the cage and look fondly at the people that pass by them.  “Maybe this is the one that will take me home” they say to

Tuesday, Sept 18, 2018

still no action on the job search.   but when I started writing this blog 10 yrs ago, I was much more frustrated, anxiety ridden, etc.  Maybe it's age, but there is nothing to be gained by obsessing about something we can't control.  I would rather be working, but I can't hire myself.  and so I will keep searching.  the weather cooled off nicely today, but supposed to be very hot on Thursday.  and too soon the hot weather will be a distant memory.  although fall is a very nice season.  It's what follows that I can't stand.  Just had a phone interview.  The first step of the process.  or the last step in most cases when you don't hear back.  so much has changed in the hiring process.  used to be you mailed a resume and either got a call for an interview or a rejection letter.  no apply and apply and once in awhile get a request for a phone interview.  and then get ghosted.  and we, as job searchers, have been conditioned to accept that is how it is

Friday, Sept 14, 2018

We are still having beautiful weather, so being off is not the worst thing.  I try to get outside as much as I can.  Hopefully before too long I will be cooped up at a job.  But I can't hire myself, so I have to be patient.  Which is tough since I am not a patient person.  Playing golf on Sunday which will be nice.  My friend is taking up golf and we have been playing at a par 3 course.  The other day he had a birdie and par on consecutive holes....and I told him no fair; I should be the one getting good scores.  but, as Butthead said, you can't polish a turd.  I went to the health club earlier than normal today, and didn't do that much.  I am having lunch with a friend, and may go back to the club this afternoon.  or perhaps get my bike out and take a ride.  watching the news and the coverage of the hurricane.  That would be awful - no defense against the wind and water.  Yet another reason to be thankful to be here in the dump that is Illinois.  oh...and I am payi

Monday, Sept 10, 2018

I started my day by going to a doctor appointment for a disc problem in my neck.  except that they didn't tell me the correct office to go to.  so, I showed up at the office closer to my place, and was told the doctor is at the other location so I tear ass toward there and arrive 8 minutes late.  so they said the doc MAY be able to see me.  45 minutes later she did.  so now the cycle begins...xray tomorrow.  then MRI.  then surgery I suppose.  we shall see.  Since I am paying for cobra, I will use it. I am tired of my arm tingling.  spoke with a guy I met 10 yrs ago when I started this blog.  was good to catch up, and the same circumstances that caused us to meet in 2008 have recurred in 2018.  cosmic symmetry.  He is a published author and is giving me some guidance on bringing my much awaited, much delayed manuscript.  there has not been this kind of anticipation since the rumor of an unreleased Harry Potter book. Had a few lukewarm job lead things...the one thing I have lear

Sunday, Sept 9, 2018

well that was a buzzkill...the Bears looked like world beaters in the first half of tonight's game and fell flat in the second half.  An epic failure.  But it was the first game of 16, and the Bears winning or losing has no impact on my life.  I do listen to sports radio and get a kick out of the callers that take things too seriously. No work tomorrow, so have to keep the job search moving.  it's a grind, but hopefully it has a successful end.  I have done it before and will do it again.  I went to see my granddaughter today along with my 2 sisters in law, and a niece and nephew.  That was fun.  So amazing to see how quickly an infant starts turning into a little person.  She is alert and aware of her surroundings.  really neat to witness. it's 10:30...if I was working, bedtime.  but since not, will watch the news then hit the sack. Tomorrow is another day. other than that, the weekend slipped by.  have you ever had that feeling?

Friday, Sept 7, 2018

Looks like summer is starting to transition to fall.  On Wednesday my friend and I golfed and it was a hot sweaty affair.  Today it is gray and chilly.   The cool nights will start the leaves changing color.  But fall is a lovely season.  It's what comes after that sucks.  Going to scale back on golf.  COBRA insurance is very expensive.  and at 60 yrs old, very necessary.  So will take a break on the weekly round of golf.  I suppose that means spending some of that 4 hours at the health club.  The guy that works the front desk knows me now and says "see you tomorrow" as I leave each day.  so there's a good habit to be in.  Now I just have to do something while I am there.  sitting in the steam room is not developing the bulging biceps I had hoped for.  No big plans for the weekend, but I seldom have any.  When I was younger, I was always so burned out from the week of work and commuting that I really didn't want to do much.  Now that I am not burned out from w

Tuesday, Sept 4, 2018

The blog site lets me see how many page views the blog gets daily, and what posts have been read.  I sometimes look at what posts have been read just to see what my mindset was on the day I posted.  I looked at a post from 2009, where I wrote about now longer being unemployed, which was the reason I started writing this blog.  In the post, I mention not wanting to go through that again...and on that objective, I failed miserably.  Looking back over my career, I have been between jobs 4 times, and in total, for about 12 months.  I guess I can consider that time off a sabbatical, broken up over several decades.  I connected with a former coworker from 2003 on facebook, and we spoke on the phone this afternoon.  It was good to catch up, and hear of what he has been up to.  He moved to Florida 15 yrs ago, and I told him I'd stop by on my drive to south Florida this winter.  Nothing stopping me, so shame on me if I don't.  and my cable went out last night 10 minutes from the e

Sunday, Sept 2, 2018

Up early to golf.  And it looks like it will be wet and buggy.  Earlier in the season we were teeing off before 6am.  Now at 6am it is still dark.  No traction in the job market.  Maybe this week.  I will probably sit in front of the computer later today and mindlessly send out resumes.  It is nice to have a 3 day weekend, but that generally applies if tomorrow was a work day.  but still good to be off.  My last post was on Wednesday4 days ago.  Time flies by way too quickly.  all the more reason to enjoy each day and make them the best day ever.  Although I don't write that anymore, I still live it.  as I look to the calendar on the wall, I see I have not flipped it to September.  2018 is now 2/3 done with....I imagine there will be a lot of leaves on the ground at the course.  Time marches on.  and at 6am, that is about all the creativity I have today.