Tuesday, Sept 4, 2018

The blog site lets me see how many page views the blog gets daily, and what posts have been read.  I sometimes look at what posts have been read just to see what my mindset was on the day I posted. 

I looked at a post from 2009, where I wrote about now longer being unemployed, which was the reason I started writing this blog.  In the post, I mention not wanting to go through that again...and on that objective, I failed miserably.  Looking back over my career, I have been between jobs 4 times, and in total, for about 12 months.  I guess I can consider that time off a sabbatical, broken up over several decades. 

I connected with a former coworker from 2003 on facebook, and we spoke on the phone this afternoon.  It was good to catch up, and hear of what he has been up to.  He moved to Florida 15 yrs ago, and I told him I'd stop by on my drive to south Florida this winter.  Nothing stopping me, so shame on me if I don't. 

and my cable went out last night 10 minutes from the end of Better Call Saul.  I called the cable company at 5:30 am today...went through the 30 minutes of rebooting and restarting modems only to be told a tech needs to fix the problem and the first appointment is Friday.  I got that improved to tomorrow, but will still have to watch tv on my phone...or maybe read a book.  or maybe work on finishing my book. I really need to give Don't Be That Guy a final push home.


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