Friday, Sept 21, 2018

I have posted a few times on Linkedin and not on this blog.  I saw a webinar that recommended being active and visible on Linkedin to get more views which hopefully translate to job search success.  I have had more profile views, so that part of the process has proven out.  So as to now rob the blog readers of my geniusness, here is the linkedin posting that normally would be on this blog:

When I get a job, I will…..  We jobseekers all have that thought, don’t we?  When we land that job, we will go to our favorite restaurant, take a trip, etc.  In my case, I will adopt a dog from a shelter.  Like the job seeker, the shelter dogs and cats sit there waiting for the kindness of strangers to change their lives.  Like the job seeker, their new family may show up today, tomorrow or next week.   Until that happens, the pets and the job seekers sit and wait; the pets sit in the cage and look fondly at the people that pass by them.  “Maybe this is the one that will take me home” they say to themselves.  The job seekers put on their best business attire and look fondly at the interviewers.  “Maybe this is the interview that will land me the job” the job seekers say to themselves.  The older pets and the older job seekers seldom get a second look.  Both the shelter pets and job seekers are rejected far more than they are accepted.  All the job seeker and the shelter pets want is a chance to show they can fit in.   Shelter pets cannot adopt themselves any more than the job seekers can hire themselves.  That’s just how it is.  As for me, when I get a job I will….. Visit the shelter and leave with the dog that has been living at the shelter the longest.  We will both be happy.   And I eagerly await that day.

so, I am sharing my wisdom with a broader audience.  I hope none of my blog readers are jealous.


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