Monday, Sept 10, 2018

I started my day by going to a doctor appointment for a disc problem in my neck.  except that they didn't tell me the correct office to go to.  so, I showed up at the office closer to my place, and was told the doctor is at the other location so I tear ass toward there and arrive 8 minutes late.  so they said the doc MAY be able to see me.  45 minutes later she did.  so now the cycle begins...xray tomorrow.  then MRI.  then surgery I suppose.  we shall see.  Since I am paying for cobra, I will use it. I am tired of my arm tingling. 

spoke with a guy I met 10 yrs ago when I started this blog.  was good to catch up, and the same circumstances that caused us to meet in 2008 have recurred in 2018.  cosmic symmetry.  He is a published author and is giving me some guidance on bringing my much awaited, much delayed manuscript.  there has not been this kind of anticipation since the rumor of an unreleased Harry Potter book.

Had a few lukewarm job lead things...the one thing I have learned is you need about 100 of those things to get a few possibilities which may turn into one or two offers.  so, you make your own luck. 

and with that I am signing off.  Better Call Saul starts in 4 minutes.  only 5 episodes left then we get to wait a year for the next season.  but, Oak Island will start in a few months, and I can watch paint dry once again.  and eagerly await for the next season of more paint drying. 


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