
Showing posts from May, 2018

May 30, 2018

It really poured when I got off the train today.  and no Survivor on tonight.  the next season won't start until the fall...eek...I refuse to look past the summer.   This is a dog who had the best day of their life yesterday.  But then realized today was better.  And that tomorrow would be better than today. Either that, or he realizes he is a dog living a dogs life and every day is just about perfect. That is the way to be.

Tuesday, May 29

Back to work day.  and, in keeping with every day being better than the last, I have an end date for my job.  Aug, I go fishing July 20 to 27, come back for one day and done.  sounds too good...but if it works, that will be primo. looks like the heat is gone...and back to normal temps tomorrow.  and supposed to rain, as if we needed it. have a lovely evening.  and get well, KK.  let's golf as soon as you can.

Memorial Day 2018

Thankful for all those who fought for the country.  Under obama Patriotism  became a negative.  But real Americans know what's what.  I have watched 5 episodes of Cobra Kai, the Karate Kid sequel. Kind of lame, and Johnny is a much better actor than Daniel LaRusso.  so now I will switch to bball and hockey.  and work tomorrow.  but, it was a good weekend.  golf Saturday.  that's about all I remember.  Went to the pool about 6 times.  anyway - thanks to the veterans who made this country what it is, and kept it safe for all the parasites who contribute nothing. 

May 27 2018

Finally some hot weather.  We played golf last Sunday and it was 40 degrees.  Yesterday it was 90.  Much more fun to golf in the heat.  I drank 2 bottles of gatorade and filled each with water.  A gallon of liquid to keep hydrated. Nice to have tomorrow off.  Things still in a death spiral at work, so my days are are everyones.  I have seen that movie so many times it is no longer a shock. and with that, I am going to the store.  then back to the pool.  try not to laugh at this gif

May 23, 2018

Back in December, I posted the night of the season finale of Survivor.  and here we are again - the season finale once again.  This season was not very good, although I would be hard pressed to tell you when the last good season was.  I believe the show has been on 18 yrs,  and about 35 seasons.  But I will keep watching until the show is cancelled.  The show pairs well with red wine. 80 degrees today, and supposed to be 90 this weekend.  Finally some golf weather.  We are playing Saturday, and I think I will try to play Sunday or Monday or both.  Because I can. Had a wonderful time at dinner last night with an old friend.  I didn't do that enough before, but that is easily changed.  This friend stuck with me through the divorce process, and our conversations the last 2 dinners were so different.  Once you wade through the shit, and you reach the other side, your perspective is forever changed.  I hope that everyone that is wading through their own shit lake reaches the other

Sunday, May 20

Where does the weekend go...and I had Friday off.   It was quite a good weekend.  Played golf Friday and today.  I am sure it is against golf etiquette, but today we played 9 holes, my 2 golf buds wanted to stop at 9 for a bio break, and let the 4 behind us play through.  I waited at the 10th tee for 10 mins, then went on by myself. I ended up finishing just before the rain, and they got soaked, and had to bail after 16.  Didn't play half bad - of couse when I was playing alone. it's May 20 and the temp was in the 40s for golf.  wtf? Monday awaits. 

Friday, May 18

It's a Friday, it's sunny, I am off work, and I am playing golf in a scramble at a nice course, and with good golfers on my team.   The only thing that would be better if it was last Monday because then we would all have more days left on our ledger.   ok - that may be taking it a bit too far. now the difficult decisions - if I wear contacts, do I wear sunglasses, or no contacts and my prescription sunglasses?  Hat or no hat?  all these meaningless OCD decisions to make before I step to the tee and swing for the fences  (although that is a baseball analogy and we are golfing), At any rate, those are relatively low stress issues as opposed to the meaningless drama we inject into our work lives. I am generally on the train heading downtown at 7:30 each morning.  I didn't know how bad morning tv is. Lots of love.

May 14. let's build an ark

Johnny Rivers...Summer Rain.   What a song...we listened to Johnny Rivers Greatest Hits in college....40 yrs ago.  since we've had 4 inches of rain in the last 2 days, seemed appropriate.  I am not sure if the insert video worked.  If not, this is a picture of Johnny Rivers singing Summer Rain. update - it is pretty cool how the embed video works.   children 50 years younger than I have probably been doing this for years. I will have to embed more videos. Haven't written in 4 days.  Not much to write about.  Of course, each day was better than the day before, but not much else. However,  I am off Friday to golf (I am looking forward to golf, but not to Friday, because as you know, I wish every day was last Monday because then I would have more days left). and, I started writing my next book yesterday.  when it is mothers day and you are not a mother, you have time to write books.  3 pages into it.  should be a best seller.  as all of my books will be.  after I wr

May 10, 2018

doing laundry, and putting away the many loads I washed but then dumped on the floor.  I have way too many socks.  I guess I need to toss the ones with the hole in the toe...I always wash the ones with the holes one more time, thinking I will toss them after the next wearing.  but I wash them, and keep them for one more wearing.  I have in front of me a whole laundry basket of unmatched sox, and a full sock drawer of those that found their mate.  I know most of you are sick of my "best day of my life" schitck.  It is the way I feel now, but I know some folks that are not having the best day of their life.  I wish I could do something for them....but they have to find their way...I had a few things go on in the last 5 yrs that changed me from unhappy and depressed to the reasonably happy person I am now....but when I was lost in the darkness of depression, I never thought I'd escape.  But I did..with some new approaches to old situations.  and I am better for it.  and ha

May 8, 2018

Finally some beautiful weather.  It only took 7 months.  But between now and after Thanksgiving, there is no nicer climate.  Since I am now single, I need to play as much golf as I want to.  I think 3 rounds a month is about right...more than that and the expense piles up.  less than that and the game goes to crap. I stopped at the store for some wine on the way home.  As I was walking back to my car, I recognized a neighbor that lived across the street from the house.  I gave him a halfhearted wave, which he did not see, but I could see he was as drunk as could be.  Bloated, red face, unsteady.  Not in the shape he should have been driving to get more to drink.  Hopefully he bought enough so he doesn't have to leave the house again tonight. I have seen a few former neighbors out and about.  I generally avoid them.  I have no desire to say hello or talk.  They remind me of my former life, and I have moved on from that.  seems petty, but that is how it is.  They are not invited

May 6, 2018

beautiful day...golfed like crap. but had a great time. watching the Rock and Roll hall of fame show....The Moody Blues are playing live...we used to listen to them in the dorm..over 40 yrs alternative to the hard rock, or Skynnard or Outlaws....they look so old now...they sound great, but when you see the rock gods of yesteryear and how they have aged, it underscores the path each of us is on.  Justin Hayward and John Lodge used to be the shit...good looking rock old men playing songs from 40 yrs ago.  Lots of Love (that is what they said to the adoring crowd to acknowledge the cheers...I think I may use that line) The Cars are also being inducted.  They were one of my favorite bands back then....Ben Orr, the front man died in 2000, and they re-formed a few years back.  I have their new tunes, but I generally skip over it on my mp3 in favor of their older tunes. such is life, huh? and so, tomorrow is a new week.  another chance to be excellent.  in case y

May 5, 2018

First things first....I am watching Blake Lively battle the shark at the end of the Shallows (yes...I know I watch the same movies way too many times),  but, I noticed the very brave Blake, who looks lovely in a bikini the whole movie despite obvious injuries inflicted upon her during her battle with a 25 ft great white shark, is really in danger of losing this fight.  The shark is biting the metal bars of the buoy that Blake is on...tearing the metal bars apart quite easily with his 3 inch long teeth and powerful jaws.  But Blake kicks the shark in the face and the shark retreats.  More people who are getting eaten alive by sharks should kick the shark in the face.  it worked for Blake. now that is out of the way..... lovely day.  had lunch with a guy from high school..back from 1972.  Went to a birthday party for a friend, then a kentucky derby party at another friends house.  The cool thing was there were 4 dogs at the party doing what dogs do - running around, fighting, coming

May 4, 2018

and none of that trite may the force be with you crap.  I never was a star wars fan. Friday night...I actually cleaned up a bit after dinner.  but I have been sitting in this chair now for an hour.  but I earned the right to this slothfulness. here's a funny story.  there is a foosball table in our lounge - where the golf simulator is.  I used to play a lot of foosball, and am still good...only because no one plays anymore.  Whenever I walk by the table and see 2 guys playing, I ask if they want to play 2 on 1, I win by a lot and go back to work.  I did that the other day, and my friend emailed me the next day to ask if I had played foos the day before.  One of the guys was ranting about this guy that was really good and described the tall, ruggedly handsome foosball assassin.  (not really).  since they play every day, she asked me to come down the next time they were playing, and I won 9-0 again   the guy texted her this, which she fwded to me.  too funny.  believe me, being g

May 3, 2018

I was about to call it a night, then Summer Rain by Johnny Rivers came on my mp3...a sure sign to post some nonsense. I had a few funny stories to post about, but I don't feel like writing them now. However...I do have a subject for my next book.....  but, I really need to finish the first one if I am ever going to have a series of books.  There are very few successful series of 1 business books.  since I have lived in this apartment, I usually go to bed about midnight.  before it was always 10:30 (yes...I know how old personish that is).  It's 11;46.  Maybe I will go balls to the wall and stay up til 1230.  I have always been a maverick, and there is no reason to back off now. besides, by a long margin, today was the most perfect day of my life.  I have to milk it a bit more.