May 8, 2018

Finally some beautiful weather.  It only took 7 months.  But between now and after Thanksgiving, there is no nicer climate.  Since I am now single, I need to play as much golf as I want to.  I think 3 rounds a month is about right...more than that and the expense piles up.  less than that and the game goes to crap.

I stopped at the store for some wine on the way home.  As I was walking back to my car, I recognized a neighbor that lived across the street from the house.  I gave him a halfhearted wave, which he did not see, but I could see he was as drunk as could be.  Bloated, red face, unsteady.  Not in the shape he should have been driving to get more to drink.  Hopefully he bought enough so he doesn't have to leave the house again tonight.

I have seen a few former neighbors out and about.  I generally avoid them.  I have no desire to say hello or talk.  They remind me of my former life, and I have moved on from that.  seems petty, but that is how it is.  They are not invited into my perfect day.

and with that....more relaxation.  not quite 8 pm.  I did hit the bed before 11 last night, and it made a big difference today.  this old carcass is getting tired.

Lots of Love....I am going to start using that line more.

also, I meant to write that a friend of mine gave me some advice about something today.  Sometimes when you hear the voice of reason from another person, it all makes sense..too much sense.  maybe I just never listened before.


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