May 23, 2018

Back in December, I posted the night of the season finale of Survivor.  and here we are again - the season finale once again.  This season was not very good, although I would be hard pressed to tell you when the last good season was.  I believe the show has been on 18 yrs,  and about 35 seasons. 

But I will keep watching until the show is cancelled.  The show pairs well with red wine.

80 degrees today, and supposed to be 90 this weekend.  Finally some golf weather.  We are playing Saturday, and I think I will try to play Sunday or Monday or both.  Because I can.

Had a wonderful time at dinner last night with an old friend.  I didn't do that enough before, but that is easily changed.  This friend stuck with me through the divorce process, and our conversations the last 2 dinners were so different.  Once you wade through the shit, and you reach the other side, your perspective is forever changed.  I hope that everyone that is wading through their own shit lake reaches the other side with the same mindset as I am lucky enough to have. 

I stopped at the wine store for wine (Survivor is on, remember).  There are a few folks there that I always talk to when I go there.   When you have chatted with someone frequently, it's interesting how the conversations get more personal as the months pass.  They know my story, I know theirs.  It's called human interaction.  We should do more of that. 

My friend at the office offered to buy me breakfast and bring it to my office.  I told her that is my perfect day....a gorgeous woman offering me food.  (am I smooth or what?).  And, this lovely lady opens the golf simulator for me each morning.  If the thought of getting married didn't make me sick to my stomach, I would marry her. (just kidding - she is taken, but the thought of marriage does make me violently ill).

ok - I need to wrap this up. I have to watch 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson, then Survivor already in progress, but tonight I have the added complication of game 7 of the Caps/Lightning. 


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