May 14. let's build an ark

Johnny Rivers...Summer Rain.   What a song...we listened to Johnny Rivers Greatest Hits in college....40 yrs ago.  since we've had 4 inches of rain in the last 2 days, seemed appropriate.  I am not sure if the insert video worked.  If not, this is a picture of Johnny Rivers singing Summer Rain.

update - it is pretty cool how the embed video works.   children 50 years younger than I have probably been doing this for years. I will have to embed more videos.

Haven't written in 4 days.  Not much to write about.  Of course, each day was better than the day before, but not much else.

However,  I am off Friday to golf (I am looking forward to golf, but not to Friday, because as you know, I wish every day was last Monday because then I would have more days left).

and, I started writing my next book yesterday.  when it is mothers day and you are not a mother, you have time to write books.  3 pages into it.  should be a best seller.  as all of my books will be.  after I write them. I think if I rented a cabin in the Canadian Wilderness and sat alone writing, I could finish this book in 4 years or so.

really pouring still.  my friend is back to work tomorrow, so I can hit golf balls in the morning.  all will be right with the world then.


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