Friday, May 18

It's a Friday, it's sunny, I am off work, and I am playing golf in a scramble at a nice course, and with good golfers on my team.   The only thing that would be better if it was last Monday because then we would all have more days left on our ledger.   ok - that may be taking it a bit too far.

now the difficult decisions - if I wear contacts, do I wear sunglasses, or no contacts and my prescription sunglasses?  Hat or no hat?  all these meaningless OCD decisions to make before I step to the tee and swing for the fences  (although that is a baseball analogy and we are golfing),

At any rate, those are relatively low stress issues as opposed to the meaningless drama we inject into our work lives.

I am generally on the train heading downtown at 7:30 each morning.  I didn't know how bad morning tv is.

Lots of love.


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