May 4, 2018

and none of that trite may the force be with you crap.  I never was a star wars fan.

Friday night...I actually cleaned up a bit after dinner.  but I have been sitting in this chair now for an hour.  but I earned the right to this slothfulness.

here's a funny story.  there is a foosball table in our lounge - where the golf simulator is.  I used to play a lot of foosball, and am still good...only because no one plays anymore.  Whenever I walk by the table and see 2 guys playing, I ask if they want to play 2 on 1, I win by a lot and go back to work.  I did that the other day, and my friend emailed me the next day to ask if I had played foos the day before.  One of the guys was ranting about this guy that was really good and described the tall, ruggedly handsome foosball assassin.  (not really).  since they play every day, she asked me to come down the next time they were playing, and I won 9-0 again   the guy texted her this, which she fwded to me.  too funny.  believe me, being good at foosball is just behind being good at making buggy whips.  and who among us who worked in the 80s did not hear that buggy whip bs analogy a hundred times. however, I am an amazing player. This is an honor very similar to being the Tallest Midget.


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