May 10, 2018

doing laundry, and putting away the many loads I washed but then dumped on the floor.  I have way too many socks.  I guess I need to toss the ones with the hole in the toe...I always wash the ones with the holes one more time, thinking I will toss them after the next wearing.  but I wash them, and keep them for one more wearing.  I have in front of me a whole laundry basket of unmatched sox, and a full sock drawer of those that found their mate. 

I know most of you are sick of my "best day of my life" schitck.  It is the way I feel now, but I know some folks that are not having the best day of their life.  I wish I could do something for them....but they have to find their way...I had a few things go on in the last 5 yrs that changed me from unhappy and depressed to the reasonably happy person I am now....but when I was lost in the darkness of depression, I never thought I'd escape.  But I did..with some new approaches to old situations.  and I am better for it.  and happy.  The divorce is just the icing on the cake (sorry - couldn't resist). 

life is too short...but such sayings are empty and trite to a person in the middle of fighting a battle.  as you no doubt have seen posted elsewhere, everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.  so very true. 

I had a really funny story to write, but not tonight.  I also am going to start writing a book I have been meaing to write.  but it's like when you are reading 2 books simultaneously - you finally realize you should focus on one then finish it. 


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