
Showing posts from August, 2012

Thursday, August 30

what happened to August?  I remember a few weeks ago, looking forward to leaving for Canada on Aug 10...a week of fishing....and here we are 2 weeks post fishing.  it was as if I never went.  the 3 day weekend will be good, as will the start of college football.  by now, you have no doubt seen the heartwarming video of the boy with cerebral palsy competing in a race at his grade school.  it got a ton of hits on youtube, and espn did a feature on the young guy.  I couldn't help but equate the situation to that of obama in the office of president.  both were not able to compete with able bodied competition.  both tried hard.  and both garnered support because they were so obviously out of their league, and acccomodations were necessary to for them to participate.   but, it the case of the young boy, we shed a tear at the heartwarming nature of the story.  in the case of obama, we shake our heads and ask "what have we done?". or is it just me? and did you eat your pea

Wednesday, Aug 29

yesterday slipped by with no posting.  I guess things are just shitty all over so it is difficult to focus on and write about one thing.  I watched the Republican convention last night...big night, huh?   while Mitt Romney may not be the one candidate that everyone was looking for, he has to be the one to beat obama and turn this country around.  Have things ever been worse?   not in my memory.  passed the gas station at lunch - had gone up to $4.25/gal in the last few days.  now obama may not be able to lower the price of gas, but then why was bush mercilessly attacked about the price of gas?  time for letterman to show a clip of sara palin talking about russia.  here is your national media: why would the media be backing obama?  what has he done that has benefitted the country?  if romney's election will mean the rich get richer, I am all for it, since obama's term ca

Monday, Aug 27

the weekend went by too quickly.  they always do.  Gas prices have gone up 17 cents in the last 2 weeks, but are expected to go down after Labor Day...unless the hurricane in the gulf, or the refinery fire in Venezuela prevent the prices from going down....or unless the oil companies decide to keep ass raping us. honestly - does anyone think gas prices will go down?  the new norm is 4 bucks per gallon, and that is just the start.  anyway, at this early hour, not many original thoughts to write about.  maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

played in a work golf outing today.  we had 16 players....pretty lame considering only 6 were from the company that sponsored any rate got some good prizes, so I will take that anyday.   playing bad golf, drinking beer, and winning prizes.  what can be better? wow - at this time last week, I was driving home from Canada...we would have been in central Wisconsin at this point....2 weeks ago, we were fishing.  where does the time go?  vacation flies does not.  but I will stop myself on that note.  for today.  anyway, no cogent thoughts to write of.   maybe tomorrow I will have something relavent to write of.  or not.  maybe I will eat some peas, too. 

Friday, August 24

first week back after vacation is coming to an end.  makes you realize you really need to change things more than you thought you needed to change things.   and so I will. 18 shootings in Chicago overnight. It's a good thing they did not let Chic-Fil-A build their franchises in Chicago.  but Rahm wants a casion...for the kids.....sure. election campaigning keeps moving along.  same tired old rhetoric.  just imagine the depths the campaign will sink to by the time the election happens in November.  that is it for a Friday.  no zip left for the week. I probably need more peas in my diet.

Thursday, Aug. 23

the first week back is moving right along.  now I remember how much everything sucks.  hey....our first lady does not know when the election is: and our messiah does not know how to spell Ohio but that's OK....letterman can make jokes about Romney putting a dog cage on his car roof....and ignore that obama eats dogs. the office of the President of the United States is not a place for affirmative action. the emperor is wearing no clothes. the messiah told us to eat our peas. so eacho peez.

Wednesday, August 22

I was supposed to have a medical procedure yesterday.  so, I was in the room, waiting for the doctor and eyeing the room, etc.  I noticed the floor was fithy.  disgusting. had not been swept, let alone washed and waxed in a long time.  and this was a room where I was supposed to have an invasive procedure.  needless to say, I did not.  I asked the doc if he would eat in a restaurant that had a floor that dirty.  of course, he said no.  so, I am still pissed about my time being wasted.  and will be calling the board of health today.  fuck that asshole.  oh, and they tried to charge me a co-pay on my way out the door.   yes...I will be calling the board of health today.  and finding a new doctor also. and, don't say I didn't tell you this was coming: airlines are reducing leg room so they can sell seats for more money that have more leg room.  this is like the posting I wrote about paying more to no

Tuesday, Aug 21

It really doesn't take too long to get back in the swing post vacation.  good to have a job to come back to.  and to help pay for the next vacation.  apparently there are refinery problems causing the price of gas to stay above 4 bucks per gallon.  using that logic, why would the oil companies not want constant refinery problems?  the cost of crude is 80% of the price of a gallon of gas, so why would the cost to refine a gallon of gas go up by 40 cents, and why are gas buyers supposed to pay for it?  As I have writted before, this is just the first sign of impending runaway inflation.  we added a trillion dollars to the economy - that will push the price of everything up.  and we are just getting started.  anyway, to soothe your nerves, here is a pic only about 51 weeks to go, and I am back there.

Monday, August 20

my 54th birthday.  and no different than any other day. Thought one - post vacation....we drove into canada.  were treated reasonably well by the Canadian border guards - they just asked for 100 bucks duty for the beer and booze we were bringing into the country where beer was 40 bucks a case....anyway, we crossed back into the US on Saturday...and we -  4 white European American guys,  were asked about how much tobacco we had, how much liquor we had, did we have fish or fruit or vegetables with us, what each of us did for a living.....and last week the city of chicago has a big event for thousands of illegals to get a dream card at navy pier....what the fuck???  who questioned the illegals when they illegally crossed into the US?   did the illegals have fruits, vegetables. tobacco?  did the illegals buy any t shirts in mexico and were bringing them into the US?  oh wait....illegals have more rights than tax paying white people.  if you are waiting to cross back into the US, the co

Sunday, August 19

On Friday, Aug 10 at 2:30 am, 3 buddies and I met up, packed the vehicle and headed to Canada for the 25th (or so) time in the last 30 years.  We drove to Armstrong Station, Ontario - about 800 miles north of here.  We stayed in a little place on Friday night, partied it up, and flew up to a remote camp on Saturday morning - 65 miles north of Armstrong.  As always, fishing was tremendous.  Spending time with guys who you have made some really tough trips over 30 years was outstanding.  Having no schedule, doing what we wanted, or doing nothing - what more could a guy want? so - at midnight last night, the vehicle rolled back into my driveway.  the annual trip was over.  I came back windburned, relaxed, and ready for life once again.  Of course, I have a ton of ideas to write about.  but for today, am still enjoying the feeling you have when you get back from a vacation where everything went according to plan.  of course, how hard is it to mess up drinking beer at 8 am? so - star

Thursday, August 9

The first Bears preseason game is tonight.  Can Labor day be far behind?  wow - time marches on.  I noticed gas has gone from $4.25/gal all the way down to the rock bottom price of $4.15/gal.  Maybe that refinery leak has been plugged, but the oil companies demand a few more months of ass raping us consumers before the price will drop another few cents.  what is our president's view on this???  why, he thinks the first lady should be paid for her work.  as if a vacation every month costing the taxpayers millions is not enough.  when you elect an affirmative action president, this should have been expected, I suppose.  did you see the ad that Romney is responsible for that guy's wife dying of cancer?  have these dems no shame?  if you have nothing positive to run on, make the election a negative one.  what a failure.  and he might win again.  we are fucked.  but, to the 50% of the parasites that pay no taxes, and the 100 million on welfare, I guess that is good news.  t

Wednesday, August 8

Yesterday slipped by and I missed posting.  I must have been busy, or was busy looking at old music clips on youtube.  I forget which one it was.  can the election be so close?  let's see - inflation is beginning to pick up steam, gas prices sky high, unemployment still really high, race relations at an all time low, laws passed so no ID is needed to vote, entitlement programs growing in an out of control manner.... so - let's say we give this failure 4 more years, right?  wow - the nerve of him to even run for re-election.  but, that is spoken from the standpoint of someone in the 49 percent of those paying taxes.  and eating peas. 

Monday, Aug 6

the weekend flew by.  back to work today. another beautiful summer day....and not a heck of a lot of them left.  days are noticeably shorter now.  the first bears preseason game is  nothing to rant about today.  gas prices still way too high.  I wonder if they fixed the pipeline, and if so, why?  how long until the next calamity that allows the oil companies to jack up the prices 60 cents?  and not a peep from the media.  remember how Bush was slammed for high gas prices?  but we shall not offend our  he has more important things to do.  like....well, I am sure it is something.  then again, under his plan, prices would necessarily skyrocket.  we heard that, and other things, and still voted for him.  as a country, we must've been desperate.  like we are now.  just like we are now.

Sunday, Aug 5

I need to stop getting up so early in the morning.  4 am yesterday, 5 am today.  I sit here bored, then go to the store that is open and buy a bunch of stuff I don't really need, or a bunch of junk food.  something to do, I guess. speaking of which, the back to school ads were in the paper today.  at my niece and nepews bday party, the talk was about when everyone was leaving for college.  the summer is drawing to a close.  I did go to Home Depot and bought a few perennials that were on sale.  there is my project today - get them in the ground.  Harry Reid continues to call for Romney's tax returns.  why does no republican call for Obama's (real) birth certificate, passport, college transcripts, college funding info, etc.  who is this guy?  we know nothing of him.  but we know he has told us to eat our peas. so eacho peez.

Saturday, Aug 4

the station I paid $3.69/gal last Saturday was $4.25/gal today.  the reason? why, a refinery spill.  so, all the gas that was already in their tank is now worth 55 cents more per gallon.  since the price went up immediately upon report of the spill, will it plumet back to 3.69 the second the hole in the pipeline is patched?  since ass raping of the consumer is ok, why would oil companies not punch holes in their pipelines on a daily basis?  the oil companies = jerry sandusky....the gas purchasing public = a soaped up young lad. can this country be in any worse shape?  we are directionless, leaderless and soul-less.  and those are the good traits.

Friday, August 3

tgif.  long week.  looking forward to the weekend, as I am sure you are as well.  and if not, shame on you. so, the gay poplulaton apparently takes offence to the support that Chik-fil-a got the other day.  long lines of customers formed at each store with customers showing their support for the company and its CEO and free speach.  but, that must have angered the gays, as they are now going to have a kiss-in at chick-fil-a restaurants.  why stop there?  why not engage in oral and anal sex right in the place...what better way to prove your point?   how about this - nobody cares about your agenda, so keep your lifestyle to yourself, the same was every other group does.  folks, as a country, we are fucked.

Thursday, August 2

wow - August is really flying by...oh wait...I can't say that for a few weeks.  here is yet another example of the media bias that is so prevalent In the story, it says that Romney leads among white voters 56% to 35%.  so, obviously, whites are racist because they would not vote to reelect this failure.  not really highlighted in the story is that Obama leads Romney among black voters "with an overwhelming majority".  this story was edited after first being posted - the percentage was 93% to 3% in favor of obama....which, of course, shows blacks are not racist, and want more hope and change.  sure.  here is a separate article that shows and 95% to 5% lead by Obama in the last election.. don't expect objective reporting anytime soon.

Wednesday, August 1

the start of month 8 of 2012....the 2/3 mark of the year.  the golf course we play is moving the first tee time up 9 minutes to start, and that first time will get later and later as the sun come up later....I am not ready for the fall season.  oh well.....the change of seasons doesn't give a crap whether we are ready for them or not. I filled up my car on Saturday before my drive to Indiana and paid 3.65 a gallon.  I drove by the station today and it was 3.99/gal.   wtf.....a 34 cent increase in 3 days?  this is just a start.  the effect of undisciplined printing of money will be an endless escalation of inflation.  I saw on the news the gas company is asking for a $6/month increase to gas bills...sure - all of us are making so much more money than we were 3 years ago, so that won't hurt a bit. did anyone in their wildest dreams think obama would be as big a disaster as he turned out to be?  are you better off than you were 4 years ago?  If yes, are you on the government