Monday, August 20

my 54th birthday.  and no different than any other day.

Thought one - post vacation....we drove into canada.  were treated reasonably well by the
Canadian border guards - they just asked for 100 bucks duty for the beer and booze we were bringing into the country where beer was 40 bucks a case....anyway, we crossed back into the US on Saturday...and we -  4 white European American guys,  were asked about how much tobacco we had, how much liquor we had, did we have fish or fruit or vegetables with us, what each of us did for a living.....and last week the city of chicago has a big event for thousands of illegals to get a dream card at navy pier....what the fuck???  who questioned the illegals when they illegally crossed into the US?   did the illegals have fruits, vegetables. tobacco?  did the illegals buy any t shirts in mexico and were bringing them into the US?  oh wait....illegals have more rights than tax paying white people.  if you are waiting to cross back into the US, the country you have paid many thousands of tax dollars to, you have no rights.  if you are an illegal, why, line up - we will give you a lot of things....all paid for by the the white dudes that are shaken down and treated with contempt at the canadian border. 
america - getting to be a bigger shithole (if you are a white american) by the day. 
can we afford more social justice?  you white people - pay your fair share - the mexican parisites demand it.
and, of course, eacho peez. 
odumbo - good job of keeping your promise of having gas prices skyrocket.  where is the outrage?  oh wait - criticism of the messiah would be racist.
americans - we are fucked.  all of us.  well, at least the 49% of us paying taxes....the rest of you parasites...line up for your free cell phones...
to you true americans....  do you see a way out of this mess?  I don't.  I have never been less proud, or more embarassed by the state of affairs in America.  what a mess.  and getting worse. 
truly, a rosy look at things on a Monday.  or is it just me?


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