Thursday, August 2

wow - August is really flying by...oh wait...I can't say that for a few weeks. 

here is yet another example of the media bias that is so prevalent

In the story, it says that Romney leads among white voters 56% to 35%.  so, obviously, whites are racist because they would not vote to reelect this failure.  not really highlighted in the story is that Obama leads Romney among black voters "with an overwhelming majority".  this story was edited after first being posted - the percentage was 93% to 3% in favor of obama....which, of course, shows blacks are not racist, and want more hope and change.  sure.  here is a separate article that shows and 95% to 5% lead by Obama in the last election.. don't expect objective reporting anytime soon.
If you want a real laugh, watch letterman.  he spends most of his monologue bashing romney, with nary a word about the colossal failure that is our current president.  perhaps letterman would stick to screwing his young interns and quit his stammering, awkward jokes about our next president.  I suppose I should just quit watching that pantload's show, but it is tragi-comic seeing an addled old man stammer through unfunny jokes and making a fool of himself.  Honestly - tune in.  it is painful to watch that turd embarass himself night after night. 

also, it is important to note, while chicago is gay friendly, and will not allow Chick_Fil-A to open stores due the the head of that organization exercizing free speech, it is still a world class shithole.

congrats mayor are getting global attention for the piss puddle known as chicago.  I am embarassed to say I am from there...but I moved out when it was still a good city.  now - not so much.  time for another 500 speeding cameras.  what a depressing rectum of a town.

can you believe how shitty everything is getting?  we are leaderless, soul-less and directionless.  who would have thought we would sink so low with no chance of improving.

but not eacho peez. 


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