Thursday, August 9

The first Bears preseason game is tonight.  Can Labor day be far behind?  wow - time marches on. 

I noticed gas has gone from $4.25/gal all the way down to the rock bottom price of $4.15/gal.  Maybe that refinery leak has been plugged, but the oil companies demand a few more months of ass raping us consumers before the price will drop another few cents.  what is our president's view on this???  why, he thinks the first lady should be paid for her work.  as if a vacation every month costing the taxpayers millions is not enough.  when you elect an affirmative action president, this should have been expected, I suppose. 

did you see the ad that Romney is responsible for that guy's wife dying of cancer?  have these dems no shame? 

if you have nothing positive to run on, make the election a negative one.  what a failure.  and he might win again.  we are fucked.  but, to the 50% of the parasites that pay no taxes, and the 100 million on welfare, I guess that is good news. 

the rest of you tax paying morons:



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