Thursday, August 30

what happened to August?  I remember a few weeks ago, looking forward to leaving for Canada on Aug 10...a week of fishing....and here we are 2 weeks post fishing.  it was as if I never went.  the 3 day weekend will be good, as will the start of college football. 

by now, you have no doubt seen the heartwarming video of the boy with cerebral palsy competing in a race at his grade school.  it got a ton of hits on youtube, and espn did a feature on the young guy.  I couldn't help but equate the situation to that of obama in the office of president.  both were not able to compete with able bodied competition.  both tried hard.  and both garnered support because they were so obviously out of their league, and acccomodations were necessary to for them to participate.   but, it the case of the young boy, we shed a tear at the heartwarming nature of the story.  in the case of obama, we shake our heads and ask "what have we done?".

or is it just me?

and did you eat your peas today???

eacho peez....


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