Wednesday, August 1

the start of month 8 of 2012....the 2/3 mark of the year.  the golf course we play is moving the first tee time up 9 minutes to start, and that first time will get later and later as the sun come up later....I am not ready for the fall season.  oh well.....the change of seasons doesn't give a crap whether we are ready for them or not.
I filled up my car on Saturday before my drive to Indiana and paid 3.65 a gallon.  I drove by the station today and it was 3.99/gal.   wtf.....a 34 cent increase in 3 days?  this is just a start.  the effect of undisciplined printing of money will be an endless escalation of inflation. 

I saw on the news the gas company is asking for a $6/month increase to gas bills...sure - all of us are making so much more money than we were 3 years ago, so that won't hurt a bit.
did anyone in their wildest dreams think obama would be as big a disaster as he turned out to be?  are you better off than you were 4 years ago?  If yes, are you on the government dole?  thought so.  how can anyone look at the direction the country has taken since January, 2009 and want to see more of the same?  can any of us afford more social justice? 

the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.  we've been had.


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