Wednesday, Aug 29

yesterday slipped by with no posting.  I guess things are just shitty all over so it is difficult to focus on and write about one thing.  I watched the Republican convention last night...big night, huh?   while Mitt Romney may not be the one candidate that everyone was looking for, he has to be the one to beat obama and turn this country around.  Have things ever been worse?   not in my memory.  passed the gas station at lunch - had gone up to $4.25/gal in the last few days.  now obama may not be able to lower the price of gas, but then why was bush mercilessly attacked about the price of gas?  time for letterman to show a clip of sara palin talking about russia. 

here is your national media:

why would the media be backing obama?  what has he done that has benefitted the country?  if romney's election will mean the rich get richer, I am all for it, since obama's term can only be characterized by the poor getting more numerous. 

the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.  we've been had. 

we must eat more peas.


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