
Showing posts from September, 2013

Saturday, Sept 28, 2013

up at 4:30.  it is 6:20 now and still dark outside.  played golf yesterday, and playing again in an hour.  and I have golf induced pain this morning.  one can only guess what a physical wreck I will be later today.  how the mighty have fallen - sore from playing golf.  who would have thunk it???  but - it will be good to get out and walk.  and take about 100 shots.  and lose 5 or 6 balls.  but, it is Saturday, and I can self medicate later while watching college football.  Golf buds - played with an old friend yesterday, and playing with an old friend today.  I may suck at golf, but it is a nice mechanism to stay connected with folks you wish to stay connected to.  I have never been too big on playing for business reasons.  it is always better to spend time on the course than in the office.  but to stay in touch with friends from way back and staying connected by the mutual frustration called golf is worth the golf induced pain we face.  and so now I will trudge out the door, bott

Friday, Sept 27, 2013

the last Friday of September...where did this month go.  2013 heading into the home stretch.  very nice day - and hopefully we have 8 or so more weeks of it.  playing golf today and tomorrow.  let the death march begin.  obamacare is looking like a disaster.  but, our parasites need what our parasites need.  so we implemented a failure of a plan where those now paying for health insurance will pay substantially more for health insurance so those who do not have health insurance will have health insurance and will not have to pay for it. obama - fundamentally transforming this country into a 3rd world shithole.  and it only took him 5 years. 

Tuesday, Sept 24, 2013

made it through Monday.  we always do.  at least this weather is nice - the best time of the year.  followed by the worst.  but - happens every year.  speaking of which - we are coming close to the end of September.  at which point 2013 will be 75% expired.  way too fast.  if you did not accomplish any of your new year's resolutions, you have 3 months and change. do you think I can lose 40 lbs in that time?  nah - why try.   I will push that resolution higher up the list in 2014.

Sunday, Sept 22, 2013

no golf this weekend, so it is truly an empty weekend devoid of any reason to live.   that plus the Bears game not being on until tonight will require me to actually do something today.  once the sun comes up maybe I'll go to the store.  why is it I can wake up at 4:45 am on a Sunday ready to go, but during the week it is a struggle to get up and going at 5:30?  kind of like leaving the house at 5:15 to play golf vs leaving at 7 to go to work.  easier to do something enjoyable than walk into suckage.  speaking of which, at what age do you not hate what you do for a living?  if anyone can tell me, that would be appreciated. did my favorite fall activity yesterday - went to the world's largest cornfield maze.  it was nice to bring our dog, who has short legs.  because when he got tired after about 2 hrs, no one was mad that we left because he could not walk anymore....and I had reached the same point where I had walked enough about the same time as he did.  note to self...bri

Friday, Sept 20, 2013

Fridays....when the thoughts of waking up Saturday and Sunday with a headache are so pleasant....always good to be friday.  unless you have to work Saturday.  then not so much. the garden is cycling down now - the plants on the wane.  no more tomatoes to pick.  in the next few weeks I will gas up the snowblower and get that started.  even though we are hopefully 10 weeks or so away from needing it. look at what is happening in the country today: Obamacare being defunded Immigration reform being shot down ya know - our parasites are going to be damn mad if we keep taking away those things they have earned by virtue of their parasiticness.  how is obama going to fundamentally transform the country if we don't allow our parasites to dictate to us how to

Wednesday, Sept 18, 2013

I saw a post on Perezhilton that said Stevie Nicks said Beyonce is not skanky. (note - tried to paste link but it didn't work). which is such a coincidence - someone asked JayZ about me and he said "dat nigga ain't no douche". Me and Beyonce - we do not believe in the concept of damning by faint praise.  folks like us are out there, bitch.  we be da truf. me and Beyonce are so thrilled to be held in such regard.   I thought my day was perfect...until that happened and then it got more perfect.  it would be more perfect if I could leave work and play golf...but - if not, I am truly blessed. and how be your day, bitch? "Beyoncé's great. She's got her alter ego [Sasha Fierce], but Beyoncé the girl, the woman, is very sweet and nice and polite. She's a good role model. She's not skanky. I'm glad we have her." - See more at:

Tuesday, Sept 17, 2013

this blog hit a significant milestone.  33,000 views.  in 5 years.  and drudge got 37 million views yesterday.  I have some catching up to do.  maybe if I wrote something that people actually wanted to read...... at least I can offer you a picture of the Canadian wilderness....hard to believe that was 6 weeks ago.  next years trip will be here before I know it.  God willing.  we are at the age where you can't take tomorrow for granted.  sad but true. maybe tomorrow I will have an intelligent thought to write about.  

Monday. Sept 16, 2013

the weekend flew by, as they always do.  we went from summer to fall weather in a day.  much cooler, damp....the leaves will be changing colors and falling now.  time to gas up the snowblower and make sure it starts. exciting time for me - I upgraded my ipod.  actually, I am taking the one my son was going to trade in at gamestop for credit against Grant Theft Auto 4.  so, I told him I would take it, and asked how much he would have gotten in trade in - he said about $15.  so - I get a $15 ipod, which is a better one than I have, and all i have to do is buy a $59 game.....hey wait - did I get took on the deal?   so, for the occasion, I have written a joke about the indian that traded the island of Manhattan for a string of beads: Indian 1: "hey look - I traded that island for this string of shiny beads" Indian 2: "you fool - in the future, that island will be worth hundreds of billions of dollars" Indian 1: "gee - do you think I should have held out fo

Sunday, Sept 15, 2013

6 am and still pitch dark out.  the paper is not here yet.  I have read all the usual web sites I read, so nothing left to do but watch sportscenter.  again.  I saw a story today that this is the 5th anniversary of the Lehman bankruptcy....the catalyst for how the bankers got together and really ass raped us.  and we are supposed to accept that as some watershed event that helped us all.  more foreclosures, more folks on welfare, the rich got richer in those 5 years.  the takers took more.  what a joke.  Obama was elected on a platform to fundamentally transform America.  he should have told us he was transforming it to a 3rd world country.  Chicago, Detroit - look at the slide to the bottom.  really alarming.  but I supposed michelle Obama is still proud of her country.  good for her.  

Saturday, Sept 14, 2013

starting the day at 5 am.  it is the weekend, after all.  still dark out.  days are getting shorter now.  won't be long until the leaves are falling and frost in the morning is the norm. I forgot to write about a significant accomplishment of mine the other day.  I finished a book I was reading.  a book that I started in July.  of 2012.  a book that made it to Canada twice, Florida once and to Oakland.  it was a pretty good read - I am just not into reading anymore.  hence the 14 months it took to read a paperback.  I used to read a book each week, and if the book was not a great read, it would take maybe 2 weeks to finish.  now - I just don't make time to read.  just like I no longer take time to jog, or so many other things we cease to do as we move on in life.  I wish I knew what I am doing with all the time not spent on reading, jogging, playing bball, etc.

Friday, Sept 13, 2013

Friday the 13th...remember when that date would have some significance?  bad luck and all that....another somewhat fun tradition by the wayside.  some ethnic group probably found it objectionable in some way. it is 3:18 am as I type this....a true sign of turning into an old man - I wake up earlier all the time.  rather than lay in bed, I get up and watch tv and play on the computer.  but it is a different world at this time of day.  maybe I should find some productive use for this time since I am up anyway.  read a book, go to the health club......nah.  I will just sit here and watch sportscenter.  for a few rotations.  the local news comes on at 4:30 or 5:00, so I have that to look forward to. but, it is Friday nonetheless.  always good to be Friday.  I suppose I can use my slack time to find a high paying new job....nah - I will just sit here and watch sportscenter.  there are plenty of baseball highlights to be watched that I have absolutely no interest in. 

Wednesday, Sept 11, 2013

twelve years ago, the attack on the US.  I remember it well...getting to my office downtown, hearing of the attack, watching tv in the breakroom until the city shut down the loop and everyone had to evacuate.  very surreal.  and look at what has happened in the years since.  an erosion of personal freedoms like we have never seen.  an influx of muslims into the country, and who are insulted that Americans uphold American traditions.  an economy that went in the tank and stayed in the tank.  I guess the terrorists did win.

Sunday, Sept 8, 2013

quite a good day.  played golf with my golf buds.  first off the tee at 6:49.  and to think, in late june, we were first off the tee at 5:55.  it seems like the sun is coming up later, doesn't it?  or is it just me? when I was young, and not obese, I could play basketball for hours, and not feel too bad afterward,  from golfing today, I am quite beat.  to the point where I had to have 2 gin and tonics to overcome the pain.  I may need a few more. I am so impressed with my ability to fight through golf-induced pain.   there are some that will tell you golf induced pain is the worst kind of pain, and only the toughest, most manly among us, can withstand golf induced pain.  I tend to agree with that.  I have golf induced pain. so anyway, I kept the tv on for the sunday night football opening show - the new Carrie Underwood opening number.  it sucked.  but, there is a good family guy on at 8.  so all is not lost. remember- tomorrow is Monday.  don't do shit at work. 

Saturday, Sept 7, 2013

long week.  you get a day off, but come back to work and have that off day's work piled up.  the fallacy of a day off.  there was a big arrest made in a horrific crime wave starlet (and I use the term loosely) Kristin Cavallari was busted for driving in Illinois WITH A CALIFORNIA LISCENSE.  no matter how many shootings, or robberies, or rapes took place, this was the one crime that must be stopped.  our police are doing a fine job when criminals like her are taken off the streets. we can only hope she will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  after all, she is white and an American citizen.  exactly the type the police need to crack down on. (upon?) now, can we focus on the millions of illegals that are here illegally and rid our country of them? America - it is not for Americans anymore.

Tuesday, Sept 3, 2013

we march into the last third of 2013.  nice 3 day weekend we had.  end of summer...feels like fall now.  shorter days, cooler in the morning.  the leaves will be falling soon.  happens every year, I guess. it will be interesting to see how this Syria issue goes.  one thing for sure - the politicians who are talking about sending US soldiers to Syria have no sons who would be sent.  same old stuff there. anyway - not much to write about today.  I think the country is collectively bummed about one of our last holidays here and gone.  Thanksgiving will be here before we know it...then the winter.  happens every year.