Sunday, Sept 8, 2013

quite a good day.  played golf with my golf buds.  first off the tee at 6:49.  and to think, in late june, we were first off the tee at 5:55.  it seems like the sun is coming up later, doesn't it?  or is it just me?

when I was young, and not obese, I could play basketball for hours, and not feel too bad afterward,  from golfing today, I am quite beat.  to the point where I had to have 2 gin and tonics to overcome the pain.  I may need a few more. I am so impressed with my ability to fight through golf-induced pain.   there are some that will tell you golf induced pain is the worst kind of pain, and only the toughest, most manly among us, can withstand golf induced pain.  I tend to agree with that.  I have golf induced pain.

so anyway, I kept the tv on for the sunday night football opening show - the new Carrie Underwood opening number.  it sucked.  but, there is a good family guy on at 8.  so all is not lost.

remember- tomorrow is Monday.  don't do shit at work. 


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