Friday, Sept 20, 2013

Fridays....when the thoughts of waking up Saturday and Sunday with a headache are so pleasant....always good to be friday.  unless you have to work Saturday.  then not so much.

the garden is cycling down now - the plants on the wane.  no more tomatoes to pick.  in the next few weeks I will gas up the snowblower and get that started.  even though we are hopefully 10 weeks or so away from needing it.

look at what is happening in the country today:

Obamacare being defunded

Immigration reform being shot down

ya know - our parasites are going to be damn mad if we keep taking away those things they have earned by virtue of their parasiticness. 

how is obama going to fundamentally transform the country if we don't allow our parasites to dictate to us how to run the coutry? 

michelle will not be proud of her country today.  those medical tests AT NO EXTRA COST are not going to be available to our parasites.

and so it goes.

hey - if obamacare will cover golf induced pain, maybe me, and every other middle aged white guy, will support it.


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