Sunday, Sept 15, 2013

6 am and still pitch dark out.  the paper is not here yet.  I have read all the usual web sites I read, so nothing left to do but watch sportscenter.  again. 

I saw a story today that this is the 5th anniversary of the Lehman bankruptcy....the catalyst for how the bankers got together and really ass raped us.  and we are supposed to accept that as some watershed event that helped us all.  more foreclosures, more folks on welfare, the rich got richer in those 5 years.  the takers took more.  what a joke.  Obama was elected on a platform to fundamentally transform America.  he should have told us he was transforming it to a 3rd world country.  Chicago, Detroit - look at the slide to the bottom.  really alarming.  but I supposed michelle Obama is still proud of her country.  good for her.  


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